Recent Content by TifaOng91

  1. TifaOng91
    Can I have a code to unlock all worlds or open all routes?
    Post by: TifaOng91, Apr 18, 2014 in forum: Code Vault
  2. TifaOng91
    Hi, I am not sure where to put this thread.

    Sora's hp became 4/4 after Simba's cutscene where you need to kill the hyenas to protect the pig.
    Before that, my cheat code MAX HP is working, but after the cutscene, Sora's hp remains at 4/4 even in other worlds.

    How to solve this? I can't kill anything with 4 hp :(
    Please help!
    Post by: TifaOng91, Apr 18, 2014 in forum: Code Vault