Recent Content by Thewolfgirl011

  1. Thewolfgirl011
  2. Thewolfgirl011
    Haha I know a few people who ask me the same thing but I think its mainly because of the wolves really and Jacob espeically. xD! I'm not sure if I'll really like part 2 the teaser trailer looked rubbish to me =/

    And thank you! =] I've had a quick read of the rules but I'll probably read them again =]

    Haha I have loads but if you want to take a look you can see them here
    Post by: Thewolfgirl011, Apr 28, 2012 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  3. Thewolfgirl011
    Hi everyone =]

    My actual names Sarah =] (Use this username because I love wolves a lot xD) not sure how often I'll be around since I can be pretty busy sometimes but this looks like a cool site. =] I Love Kingdom Hearts and I just recently started making amvs or I suppose techinally gmv's for it =] haven't got all the games yet but I'm going to try to one day. xD At the moment I've just got Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts 2 and Kingdom Hearts Recoded. I'd say my favourite character in the series at the mo is Sora. =]

    I do a lot of artwork and in my spare time I like going out with either my friends or my older sister. I'm currently learning how to play the guitar and I work voluntary at a pet shop. I love anime a lot I'd say my favourite one is Shakugan No Shana and that my favourite manga is Tsubasa Chronicle. Favourite band is Paramore and my favourite film would be Breaking Dawn Part 1. I Love Jacob Black in the saga but I can't stand Edward.
    Thread by: Thewolfgirl011, Apr 28, 2012, 15 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures