Recent Content by thesilentantihero

  1. thesilentantihero
    Hey thanks everyone for greeting me.
    I'll try and stay active as much as I can.
    Post by: thesilentantihero, Sep 4, 2008 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  2. thesilentantihero
    Hey everyone, I'm not very sure if I'm allowed to post amvs not related to kingdom hearts here or not, so please don't get mad at me.

    Anyways, this is my first ever AMV, it's not my best work since it's my first so please leave comments about what you think and help me pick out what needs adjusting to improve it, or any comments you want.

    This amv I've made is called Tidus & Yuna - Wherever you will go. And I made it as a tribute to them about how much Tidus cares for Yuna. Best watch in high quality.

    I hope you enjoy it.
    Thread by: thesilentantihero, Sep 3, 2008, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  3. thesilentantihero
    Hi, I just want to introduce myself here on the KH-vids forum.

    A little bit about me, well I love Kingdom hearts of course, well...doesn't everyone here. And I've started to become interested in making amvs based on the FF and KH series, so hopefully I can start posting up some of them here for you all to see. Well in time, I hope I get to know more of you here.
    Thread by: thesilentantihero, Sep 3, 2008, 14 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures