really,how do you get these codes? sure hes long. Ofcourse he could be right but i doubt it.
Antiform-darkness wee! the attck is awesome too final -the whole float thin' normal -its just fun to you know,be normal? XD and ofcourse my fav HALLOWEEN TOWN SORA! <_< if that counts,its AWESOME
where do you get these codes anyways? sora= sora. Donald= King Mickey goofy = axel A.I = sephiroth
Oh god .. I am makeing a real metal keyblade. and Ive joined in several Real Life RPG's LOL
im with you on this one..
prolly ranXy (ran-ke) and weren't the organization nobodies not heartless? i just kinda caught that in the first post.
There isnt one. but hey, they do anything for money right? it should be more like a game where you go to differnt worlds from the games, and you can pick to be a nobodie,a heartless, or a person and your weapons and stuff.