Recent Content by ThePenitentMan1
As for the music, the sequenced MIDI music from the PS2 version was replaced in both HD ReMIXes with live re-recordings. In KH1 and KH2, the vast majority of the music was redone, while the others only had a few redone tracks.
2.5's KH2 isn't bad at all (<Insert obligatory mention of He's A Pirate here>), but I don't really like what they did with 1.5's KH1. The performances and orchestrations mostly sound sort-of half-assed; Villains Of A Sort sounds less menacing, Hand In Hand sounds less heroic, and Dearly Beloved's obviously flubbed trill is infuriating. The programming isn't much better; they didn't correct the loop for Night On Bald Mountain to accommodate the DDD version, and the music-programming masterpiece that is the original Dive To The Heart Destati devolves into an absolute mess in the HD ReMIX. -
Maybe if music modding becomes possible for the HD ReMIXes, I might be interested in switching. Until then, though, I'd vastly prefer emulating the PS2 version, where the music is already exactly as I want. -
I can confirm that the Kurt Zisa rewards are still not fixed in Gledson's Rev2 Patch, either. You'll still need to use an unmodded iso or an iso with CrazyCatz00's old English Patch in order to get Zantetsuken and the Ansem's Report page.
Something I've noticed, it seems Gledson still hadn't caught the issue where a bracketed line of text uses the next line instead of the text it's supposed to have. To fix this, I applied the patch, extracted the btltbl.bin with CrazyCatz00's Iso extractor, and went to the text editor of CrazyCatz00's website. I referenced a changelog I had made to fix Gledson's previous version of the patch, which I'm attaching to this post. The changes are in KH1 US SYS.
I also made a few alterations to the translation, to fix a few niggling things that bugged me about the official translation, like Blitz being a "finishing combo" instead of a "finishing combo attack" like the other finishers, or the incorrect MP values for MP Gift and the Dream Shield. They're completely optional, of course, that's why they're in a separate file from the translation fix. -
Please note that these codes will override and erase whatever abilities you already had. I like using the first slot's code to replace an unwanted ability with another one (Such as, for example, replacing Tech Boost with Critical Plus).
Here are the codes:
Code:// Sora, Ability Slots 1-34: patch=1,EE,003F83C4,extended,000000__ patch=1,EE,003F83C5,extended,000000__ patch=1,EE,003F83C6,extended,000000__ patch=1,EE,003F83C7,extended,000000__ patch=1,EE,003F83C8,extended,000000__ patch=1,EE,003F83C9,extended,000000__ patch=1,EE,003F83CA,extended,000000__ patch=1,EE,003F83CB,extended,000000__ patch=1,EE,003F83CC,extended,000000__ patch=1,EE,003F83CD,extended,000000__ patch=1,EE,003F83CE,extended,000000__ patch=1,EE,003F83CF,extended,000000__ patch=1,EE,003F83D0,extended,000000__ patch=1,EE,003F83D1,extended,000000__ patch=1,EE,003F83D2,extended,000000__ patch=1,EE,003F83D3,extended,000000__ patch=1,EE,003F83D4,extended,000000__ patch=1,EE,003F83D5,extended,000000__ patch=1,EE,003F83D6,extended,000000__ patch=1,EE,003F83D7,extended,000000__ patch=1,EE,003F83D8,extended,000000__ patch=1,EE,003F83D9,extended,000000__ patch=1,EE,003F83DA,extended,000000__ patch=1,EE,003F83DB,extended,000000__ patch=1,EE,003F83DC,extended,000000__ patch=1,EE,003F83DD,extended,000000__ patch=1,EE,003F83DE,extended,000000__ patch=1,EE,003F83DF,extended,000000__ patch=1,EE,003F83E0,extended,000000__ patch=1,EE,003F83E1,extended,000000__ patch=1,EE,003F83E2,extended,000000__ patch=1,EE,003F83E3,extended,000000__ patch=1,EE,003F83E4,extended,000000__ patch=1,EE,003F83E5,extended,000000__ patch=1,EE,003F83E6,extended,000000__
Code:// --All Ability Code Values-- (Non-Sora abilities will not work for Sora, not even Shared abilities) // (Shared) High Jump: 01 // (Shared) Mermaid Kick: 02 // (Shared) Glide: 03 // (Shared) Superglide: 04 // Treasure Magnet: 05 // (Sora) Combo Plus: 06 // (Sora) Air Combo Plus: 07 // Critical Plus: 08 // Second Wind: 09 // (Sora) Scan: 0A // (Sora) Sonic Blade: 0B // (Sora) Ars Arcanum: 0C // (Sora) Strike Raid: 0D // (Sora) Ragnarok: 0E // (Sora) Trinity Limit: 0F // Cheer: 10 // (Sora) Vortex: 11 // (Sora) Aerial Sweep: 12 // (Sora) Counterattack: 13 // (Sora) Blitz: 14 // (Sora) Guard: 15 // (Sora) Dodge Roll: 16 // MP Haste: 17 // MP Rage: 18 // Second Chance: 19 // Berserk: 1A // Jackpot: 1B // Lucky Strike: 1C // (Goofy) Charge: 1D // (Goofy) Rocket: 1E // (Goofy) Tornado: 1F // (Goofy) MP Gift: 20 // (Tarzan) Raging Boar: 21 // (Tarzan) Asp's Bite: 22 // (Tarzan) Healing Herb: 23 // (Tarzan) Wind Armor: 24 // (Aladdin) Crescent: 25 // (Aladdin) Sandstorm: 26 // (Jack) Applause!: 27 // (Jack) Blazing Fury: 28 // (Jack) Icy Terror: 29 // (Jack) Bolts of Sorrow: 2A // (Jack) Ghostly Scream: 2B // (Peter Pan) Hummingbird: 2C // (Peter Pan) Time-Out: 2D // (Peter Pan) Storm's Eye: 2E // (Beast) Ferocious Lunge: 2F // (Beast) Furious Bellow: 30 // (Ariel) Spiral Wave: 31 // (Ariel) Thunder Potion: 32 // (Ariel) Cure Potion: 33 // (Ariel) Aero Potion: 34 // (Sora, Final Mix) Slapshot: 35 // (Sora, Final Mix) Sliding Dash: 36 // (Sora, Final Mix) Hurricane Blast: 37 // (Sora, Final Mix) Ripple Drive: 38 // (Sora, Final Mix) Stun Impact: 39 // (Sora, Final Mix) Gravity Break: 3A // (Sora, Final Mix) Zantetsuken: 3B // (Sora, Final Mix) Tech Boost: 3C // (Sora, Final Mix) Encounter Plus: 3D // (Final Mix) Leaf Bracer: 3E // (Goofy, Final Mix) Evolution: 3F
Code:// Abilities from Enzineda's Level 1 patch (Ability names added by me): patch=1,EE,003F83C4,extended,0000000A // Scan patch=1,EE,003F83C5,extended,00000015 // Guard patch=1,EE,003F83C6,extended,00000013 // Counterattack patch=1,EE,003F83C7,extended,00000017 // MP Haste patch=1,EE,003F83C8,extended,0000001A // Berserk patch=1,EE,003F83C9,extended,00000008 // Critical Plus patch=1,EE,003F83CA,extended,0000003D // Encounter Plus patch=1,EE,003F83CB,extended,00000010 // Cheer patch=1,EE,003F83CC,extended,00000010 // Cheer patch=1,EE,003F83CD,extended,00000011 // Vortex patch=1,EE,003F83CE,extended,00000012 // Aerial Sweep patch=1,EE,003F83CF,extended,00000014 // Blitz patch=1,EE,003F83D0,extended,0000001C // Lucky Strike patch=1,EE,003F83D1,extended,0000001C // Lucky Strike patch=1,EE,003F83D2,extended,0000001C // Lucky Strike patch=1,EE,003F83D3,extended,0000001C // Lucky Strike patch=1,EE,003F83D4,extended,0000001C // Lucky Strike patch=1,EE,003F83D5,extended,00000016 // Dodge Roll patch=1,EE,003F83D6,extended,00000035 // Slapshot patch=1,EE,003F83D7,extended,00000036 // Sliding Dash patch=1,EE,003F83D8,extended,00000037 // Hurricane Blast patch=1,EE,003F83D9,extended,00000038 // Ripple Drive patch=1,EE,003F83DA,extended,00000039 // Stun Impact patch=1,EE,003F83DB,extended,00000006 // Combo Plus patch=1,EE,003F83DC,extended,00000006 // Combo Plus patch=1,EE,003F83DD,extended,00000006 // Combo Plus patch=1,EE,003F83DE,extended,00000007 // Air Combo Plus patch=1,EE,003F83DF,extended,00000007 // Air Combo Plus patch=1,EE,003F83E0,extended,00000007 // Air Combo Plus patch=1,EE,003F83E1,extended,0000001B // Jackpot patch=1,EE,003F83E2,extended,0000001B // Jackpot patch=1,EE,003F83E3,extended,0000001B // Jackpot patch=1,EE,003F83E4,extended,00000005 // Treasure Magnet patch=1,EE,003F83E5,extended,00000005 // Treasure Magnet patch=1,EE,003F83E6,extended,00000005 // Treasure Magnet
I ported some1fromthedark's party mod to Final Mix.
Code:patch=1,EE,003F880F,extended,000000xx patch=1,EE,003F8810,extended,000000xx patch=1,EE,003F8811,extended,000000xx