Recent Content by TheNintendoBros

  1. TheNintendoBros
    Aw man, now the save file won't even boot. All it does is make the drive form sound and freezes.
    Here's the code w/ the shield I wanted (It was Test the King or something):
    11CE0B68 00000057
    21CD528C 00303330
    21CD5290 00000000
    11CD5294 00000000
    1032E020 00000029
    1032EECC 0000002A
    11CD4394 00000033
    21CE267C 005300B2
    21C95614 5F303031
    21C95618 464C5448
    What am I doing wrong?
    Post by: TheNintendoBros, Nov 9, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  2. TheNintendoBros
    Hey guys, I have this code called the Dark Warrior Form made by Truthkey? I forgot, but he made a pretty epic code, except the thing is, I couldn't change the shield from Vexen's Shield to Save the King. Could someone help me?

    11CE0B68 00000057
    21CD528C 00303330
    21CD5290 00000000
    11CD5294 00000000
    1032E020 0000002B
    1032EECC 0000002A
    11CD4394 000009A2
    21CE267C 005300B2
    21C95614 5F303031
    21C95618 464C5448
    Post by: TheNintendoBros, Nov 8, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  3. TheNintendoBros
    I can't seem to change the shield. Every time I change it, it would always turn into a Keyblade, or nothings there. What do I do?
    Post by: TheNintendoBros, May 28, 2011 in forum: Video Showcase
  4. TheNintendoBros
    Does anyone have the DW Limit Form code that Keytotruth made? If so, could someone PM me about it? Thanks. :D

    EDIT: I found the code, is it this?
    01CDB31F 00000008
    521CD620 58455F57
    21CD620C 5F303130
    21CD6210 4631484B

    Because I can't seem to get it to work w/ my PCSX2 emu...
    Post by: TheNintendoBros, Apr 28, 2011 in forum: Code Vault