Yeah it has been awhile, sorry I have just been busy with school. -_-
I'm doing good how about you?
Sorry I haven't been on much. I have been very busy lately.So What's up?
I would love to own that PSP! XD
Yeahit has been awhile. But nothing much ha been going on lately except that I recently just say Transformers 2 for the first time. ^-^ You?
Ummm wow didn't expect that , but yeah I will give it a try, hmmm yeah definetly will. Its time for round 2.
well I have decided to start learning kendo. Its hard work but overall I think its fun.
Yea thank you ^-^
So excited now! I love the part with the charns Ventus looked so excited about it ^-^ its really cute.
Yeah it has been awhile -_-.....but I have been fine how about you? Have you seen the new Birth by Sleep trailer? I'm so excited for the game but...
That's okay, and nothing much just finishing school work so that I can go home this weekend. (Wow 17 is alot! O-o)
^-^I'm good i don't have classes today. And you ?
This may be a bit out of topic but does anyone else notice that they changed Aqua's design a bit in the back. It is different than the one in the trailer.
Yeah sometimes but not so much went it starts raining like crazy -_-.... But I bet it rains even worse over their in england.
Wow that explains it. Well for me Orlando Florida.