With the fight with riku and the bird things in TLOD I was just hitting them and found out that you gain double exsprence so that got me up 6 levels=)
I also like to use magic around donolad with no enemies in the first one becuse I did not see him untill Hallow Bastion.
This is a thing were you create a boss that would of been cool to see. I think that this was alredy done but I did not see it in the first 2 pages so i'm doing this for fun and KH2.This is also my first Topic here so yeh=)
Heres an exsample.
Name - TheLegendaryMatthew
HP - 20 Life Bars
Diffucluty - Legednary Hard
Were - TWTNW
Players - Sora,Riku and Donald or Goffy
Optinal - Yes
Power Type - Time,Wind and Space
Wind Bomb
Dragon Blade
3 Clones
Time Stop
Secret Power: Unlimited
Secret Power: Black Hole
1000 Slashes
Chain Whip
Fast Speed
Send out the Cat
Legenary Blow
Telportation Shots
Ok heres how to beat him he will use the first 3 attacks in a lot in while he has 15 or more life bars. When he uses Time Stop use Reaction Command'Time Speed Comb" To stun him. When he dose that get him down to 10 Life bars he will only use the first 8 attacks, and watch out for the Secret Powers becuse they will kill you if you dont have an ability equiped.Around 5 life bars he will get faster and defend more. He also telports now so its harder to attack and when he send out his cat use reflect right away becuse It will also kill you and if it dosnt it stuns you for 5 seconds.
Reward - Legend of Time KeyChain, Legendary Trophy
So you get it =)