Recent Content by TheKingpinHearts

  1. TheKingpinHearts
    I'm a film lover, comic nerd (one of my favorite villains is in my name), and science/math nerd. I'm attending University for a degree in Theoretical Physics. Canadian born, Italian heritage. Frequent poster of Imdb. Use to go to youtube, but left after the way they screwed around He11sing920, Bigal2k6 and especially Armake-21 with their idiotic false DMCA claims. I'll probably be posting some AMV's. Here''s one I slapped together a year ago. It's flawed, so don't expect too much.

    My main opinion on KH, I miss the good old days when Ansem was the fallen from grace king. It wasn't fair they retconed that story and never came up with anything as good as reading his reports, having respect built, than finding out he went mad at the end. I wanted to punch Nojima in the face for that idiotic twist, for that he's the Joe Quesada of KH IMO. But, I still like all KH games, even if I found 2's story to be sh-t.

    Eh...that's about it.
    Thread by: TheKingpinHearts, Dec 6, 2010, 4 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  2. TheKingpinHearts
    In all honesty I found the Seeker of Darkness the best KH villain bar none, although just slightly ahead of KH1 Maleficent and Chain of Memories Axel. I wasn't too found of his Nobody, too brooding. When XH spoke of "emo" subject matter like damning Riku to Kingdom Hearts, he did it boastfully and enthusiastically, like he was proud of it. This made him a scarier, more interesting villain in my eyes. Lines like "don't bother, your voice can no longer each him where he is," is badass. XN would be the kind of loser who'd slit his wrists and cries about conmformity if not for the Disney censorship. Not a very threatening man in my eyes. Although I liked XN boss fight better.

    I still prefer him when he was the fallen from grace king though before the KH2 retcon. I miss those days.
    Post by: TheKingpinHearts, Dec 6, 2010 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts