pfffffhahahahaha. I love how I got so many people to welcome me and the posts are all practically identical. lol. I like the third suggestion. Don't get banned... yeah I totally join sites just so I can say "hey guys guess what site Im banned from!?" lol. ah me and my dry humour...
hi guys. im d3y. im an amateur dj. no not one of those stupid youtube djs that speeds songs up and calls it a actual write your own melodies and make your own music dj. you don't have to but it would be great if some people gave me feedback on my music. id really appreciate it.
that link is my music page with mp3 downloads and streams all for you guys. you have to join the site to comment and rate and stuff so if you want to give me something just type it here. thank you again !!!
hi everybody. my names redd but most people know me as either the wonderful nobody or D3Y. d3y is my dj name and I am trying to remix a lot of songs from kingdom hearts games. yeah yeah I know...dumb idea. but I want to. so hi. I am a big kingdom hearts fan . I love sora. so cuuuute. anyhoo. hi people. How are you?