Recent Content by The_One_Man7

  1. The_One_Man7
    Why does the Random Fix code work for KH2 US but not for FM? On KH2 US I fought Xaldin, Axel (8B5), and Sephiroth at the same time, without it freezing and won the fight as normal (Sephiroth battle). Yet on KH2FM, it gives a typical BSOD, is the code ported wrong?
    KH2 US: 201A723C 00000000
    KH2 FM: 201ABC4C 00000000
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Jan 31, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  2. The_One_Man7
    Can someone explain to me why the Model Mod ALWAYS freezes for me, regardless of where I use it at? I am changing Normal Sora's outfit to Limit Sora's outfit. It BSODS before anything shows up, regardless whether I am modding a Form or Default Sora.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Jan 25, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  3. The_One_Man7
    Cloud, are you sure you put up Limit Forms digits right? I get a BSOD loading the game with Sora modding to Limits outfit or Final Form modding to Limit Soras outfit, even if I am not in the form.
    EDIT: Try this code Soraoscuro:
    11C6C4EC 00002EE0 (Max HP)
    11C6C670 00000080 (Strength)
    11C6C674 000000FF (Defence)
    21C6C690 00000064 (Resistances)
    21C6C694 00640000 (Resistances)

    Add in this R2 joker if it is outside of a normal boss fight, so that you can tap it to fill their hp to 17 HP bars.
    E001FDFF 0034D45C
    11C6C4E8 000000D48 (Current HP)
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Jan 20, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  4. The_One_Man7
    I don't understand the reasons of why someone would say no >_>.
    On an unrelated note, if someone used that form effects size thing Khkid made, would it remove the white glow on soras model while in forms?
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Jan 20, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  5. The_One_Man7
    The room mod itself is already ported, so I think it would be this for the final fight:
    E002FDFF 0034D45C
    2032BAE0 4A001412
    2032BAE4 00004A4A

    I am trying that now, if swap magic lets me load the game >_<.
    EDIT: Not sure about the scene values though, tried that and got the odd view thing. The value might be higher due to the new scenes.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Jan 18, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  6. The_One_Man7
    In that video he used a slot mod to replace Limit Form with AntiForm, that's about the only way to get AntiForm to work the way you want it to.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Jan 13, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  7. The_One_Man7
    The other was model modifiers, here is what I saved of the post Erkz made:

    ZZZZZZZZ ????????
    Base Model
    The base is the character being changed, and the model is the model that appears
    So if you changed Valor's base to Wisdoms's model digit, when you drive into Valor, Wisdom Form will appear... but he will use Valor's animations!
    21cb96f4 YYYYYYYY
    21cb96f8 ????????
    21cb9754 YYYYYYYY
    21cb9758 ????????
    21cb97b4 YYYYYYYY
    21cb97b8 ????????
    21cb9814 YYYYYYYY
    21cb9818 ????????
    21cb9874 YYYYYYYY
    21cb9878 ????????
    21cb98d4 YYYYYYYY
    21cb98d8 ????????
    YYYYYYYY Digits:
    00303031 Normal Sora
    5f303031 Form (use this if you are replacing it with a form model)
    ???????? Digits:
    00000000 Sora
    464c5442 Valor
    4647414d Wisdom
    46495254 Master
    46544c55 Final
    58455f50 Anti
    Just replace the digits and your done.
    EDIT: Also, Riku:
    Riku Code V3
    11CFA3FC 0000089B
    01CDCE77 0000002E
    21CDCE78 7465736D
    21CDCE7C 00000000
    01CDCE96 00000023
    11CDCE9E 00000002
    00340A84 0000008A
    20340CE4 00020100
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Jan 13, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  8. The_One_Man7
    Just tried the normal sora model = final form thing. Is it just me, or when you do guard break, does it sound like just one of Roxas' Keyblades hits the enemy? I know it is impossible but it's weird.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Jan 12, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  9. The_One_Man7
    Interesting how much has come up this week >_>.
    I am curious though, since you had a mod to make normal Sora have antiforms appearance, is it possible for normal Sora to have another forms stance? Something like that would help appearances, and fix the keyblade thing the DW code does.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Jan 12, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  10. The_One_Man7
    This one:

    The other one was converted right, but had an odd address where the slot mod was.
    EDIT: Sorry, used wrong one at first.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Jan 11, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  11. The_One_Man7
    Oh right, those were 64 Combo Plus and 64 Aerial Combo Plus right?
    Erkz do you happen to have one of those appearance things for Final Form instead of AntiForm?
    Keyblade Spirit, try the other code, it uses a different UCM mod for putting Riku in.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Jan 11, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  12. The_One_Man7
    What area are you trying that in, Twilight Town/Disney Castle/Timeless River wont work.
    Try this one Keyblade Spirit:
    EDIT: Yes, wasn't that like 30 lines long Xendran?
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Jan 11, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  13. The_One_Man7
    Yes, that is converted correctly. Does that allow Limit to Duel Wield though like with the other mod?
    EDIT: Nevermind, Evilman, the addresses on that are wrong. Things like this on it:
    Trinity Form [Master]
    [ID-04] [Class B]
    01C956B6 000000??
    Ultima Form [Final]
    [ID-05] [Class B]
    01C956B6 000000??
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Jan 11, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  14. The_One_Man7
    Both at the same time it appears.
    Also, with the earlier code of wielding left handed, where all did that code put it? I have seen left hand, neck, and hair so far XD.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Jan 11, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  15. The_One_Man7
    Any code can be converted to any format. Just wait and see what the code is, stop spamming asking what it is.
    Post by: The_One_Man7, Jan 11, 2008 in forum: Code Vault