Recent Content by The Light of Darkness

  1. The Light of Darkness
    "wee bonnie" - I love it :D Which part? Does 'Fife' mean anything to you? :D
    And, by the way, in a thread in the Forum Assisstance section, I managed to find a solution to the problem and the file is downloading as I post :] So no need to move this thread - let's call it an excessive welcome post xD
    Post by: The Light of Darkness, May 11, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  2. The Light of Darkness
    I'll try and keep this short, otherwise I'll end up running away with myself xD

    Well, I'm Dave, I'm from Scotland, and I'm a forum whore :] You'll probably know me from either Square-Insider (as Dark Riku or The Sephiroth Gene) or at Final Fantasy Forums (as The Sephiroth Gene or Riku). I'm also a member of many other forums, like Advent Children Forums and whatnot, but those are the two where people will know me from ... mostly.

    The real reason I registered here was because I'm making another Kingdom Hearts music video and I'm having a bit of difficulty with this site. I've managed to download everything I've needed from here, but there's this one file that doesn't seem to work. I know this isn't the right forum to post in for help, but I wasn't sure where else to go.

    The file I'm talking about is under "Kingdom Hearts II > English Cutscenes" and is "The World That Never Was Part II." The file takes me to download "Hollow Bastion Fifth." I thought the titles were just maybe mixed up. Well, the file is also corrupt and wont download. I have nowhere else to go for videos, so I was really hoping that someone could help me. If this can go anywhere more suitable, then I apologise in advance for not seeing it :]

    This should have gone in the forum above this one :/ Oh well, if someone can move it, that'd be great.
    Thread by: The Light of Darkness, May 11, 2007, 5 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures