Recent Content by The Hallstar

  1. The Hallstar
    Profile Post

    lol i am a guy :P

    lol i am a guy :P
    Profile Post by The Hallstar for The Mender, Dec 4, 2009
  2. The Hallstar
  3. The Hallstar


    wahoo another newbie :) welcome to the forum mate and enjoy yourself
    Post by: The Hallstar, Dec 2, 2009 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  4. The Hallstar
    Just been watching the video and absolutely loved it, so here is my critique, using kissy-sensei's style :-P (my apologies)

    iwuzhere9 as Aeleus/Lexeaus: I didnt think you was that bad, i quite liked your voice. However you may want to try to find ways of making your voice sound much more intimidating for a man Lexeaus size, but well done on your first attempt.

    Kissy-Senseigh as Aqua: ive actually always enjoyed watching you in the trailers, i think you are a good voice actress, particurely in this one. The opening part was very well delievered and I enjoyed it :D nice work

    Mike (CGNET) as Announcer: I liked this, though for some reason i wanted it to sound much more slower and quieter (i dunno weird tastes i spose lol) but well done :)

    Genshie as Captain Hook: for me personally, i dont think your voice suited Hook. To me it sounds alot like Gaston (who i'd think youd pull off very well thinking about it), it just doesnt sound like the captain. Nice try though :)

    Daelyn as Cinderella: Its hard to comment on just sound effects, but your crying I thought was very well done, it is bloody hard to fake cry (trust me I know) so very well done to you and I look forward to hearing your voice properly :D

    Genshie [again] as Doc: Alot better than Captain Hook, this voice suited Doc perfectly, though I do agree your mic problems were very noticeable here.

    Ryusuke as Eraqus: I really loved your voice for this character, I dont think there is much to comment on, your voice is perfect for the role :D very well done.

    Zeftnon - The Superior as Even/Vexen: again i really liked this voice, to me sounded just right for the character, for me personally id say keep the accent for Even and, if it happens in the game, lose the accent so the distinction between the two characters is more pronounced (again thats if his transformation in Vexen happens in the game).

    Usako as GodMother: sounded brilliant line-wise, though i must agree that your mic volume was too loud, though well done :D

    Hlmactiii as King Mickey: this, in my opnion, was going to be the toughest gig in my opnion, you have got alot to live up to, and personally, you did very well :D, sounded really like the old Mickey we all know and loved and look forward to seeing you do some lines later on :D

    The Hallstar as Master Xehanort: And now to me :-P, personally i didnt think I was as good as the last trailer (it came at the worst time when my show was in production for college :( but what can you do :-P) but I thought it was serviceable. Also something ive been looking on at, it seems to be that out of most of the cast im the most hated VA :-P, to be fair though many of the comments have made me laugh my head off, the best of which was:

    this had me and several VAA friends in stitches to this day :-P, I know my voice may not sound old enough but be fair, I am only 20 years old :D, and I work with what I have and that if I wasn't good enough do you really think Mike would of picked me for this job? Overall not bad but there are still areas I need to improve on :) (and thank you Kissy-Sensei and Ryusuke for your comments )

    Refi-chan [again] as Queen: your manner of speaking was spot on for the part, however i think you need to make your voice sound more powerful and possibly add a touch of menace into the mix, then she will be fantastic :)

    Geezernort's Apprentice as Stitch: I loved this voice, I know alot of people who do stitch's voice very well, so I was wondering if you was going to deliver, and you didnt disapoint :) well done

    JetFire62 as Terra: like the godmothers I think your mic volume needs to be turned down a touch, so it fits with everyone elses, but overall im very impressed, and I enjoy listning to your voice in the videos :)

    Lightofhope18 as Tinkerbell: theres no other words for it, cuteness personified :D, you are the perfect VA for Tinkerbell, very well done :D

    Greater_bloo as Vanitas: another voice I really enjoyed listning to :D, it really matches what we know of the character thus far and is incredibly menacing :D great job.

    Mike (CGNET) [again] as Ven: Ive said this from the word go, I like your voice for Ven, it really suits the character and i enjoy it immensely. My only nitpick is when you shout keyblade the sound sounded a little wonky (happens to us all) but very well done :D

    Overall: My favourite trailer for Birth by Sleep so far and I was really impressed by the voice cast in this one. This is going to be a great fandub and I find it a privilage to be working on here :D Also I see alot of people saying they wished the voices match up to the characters mouths, you do realise that they are in a different language (rollseyes), and also give constructive criticism, cause all the comments saying stuff like

    really do just make me laugh (espicially the australian pirate comment lol) so come on people, either give some contructive comments or just simply dont bother :)

    Again well done to everyone in the cast :D
    Post by: The Hallstar, Dec 2, 2009 in forum: Community News & Projects
  5. The Hallstar

    Here I am

    Hello and I am The Hallstar, who some may know as Xehanort from the Birth by Sleep fandubs, Oh yes I am here :laughing-smiley-004

    So a little about me, I am from London and I am in my final year of college (im 20 years old but I did Sixth Form as well as college) doing the acting pathway of Performing Arts. After this year I shall be heading for Drama School or Uni to continue acting :

    I think thats it really, nice to be here :P
    Thread by: The Hallstar, Dec 2, 2009, 7 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures