Roxas could kick Sora's butt any day. Sora's too nice and even sometimes holds back the huge power that he has because he's just too nice. Also, Sora's biggest weakness is the people he loves. Remember in kh2? He got on his knees in front of Saix because he was just so desperate to have Kairi back. As for Roxas, he cares about people too, but it only gets him angrier when they're in danger which makes him fight. Sora just gets really upset.
Anyway, Roxas would win.
I would say Final Mix with all of those really hard extra bosses. If not, I would chose KH1. By the way, KH2 in my opinion was way too easy. I think it was because too many people were complaining about how hard KH1 was.
I completely agree.
Nowadays aren't exactly the happiest times.
Now that I see we're ranked the 16th happiest nation, I'm starting to feel a little sad :(
I'm hearing a lot of stuff about KH3 being on the wii and some really good proof of it. But, I've also heard some really good proof of it being on the PS3. I really just want to know what console it's coming out on so that I know which one to buy. Please respond. Thanks for reading.