the girl that never was
Last Activity:
Jul 17, 2009
Sep 26, 2008
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January 21
Home Page:
you don't want to know (:
nothing at all.

the girl that never was

Merlin's Housekeeper, from you don't want to know (:

the girl that never was was last seen:
Jul 17, 2009
    1. Riyoma_SerkanHR
      Check out MX2D: The Sky Hunter Spear
    2. jettie
      happy birthday u idk!
    3. O R A N G E
      O R A N G E
      Aww I'm great! How are YOU? You haven't been on in ages!
    4. Johnny Bravo
      Johnny Bravo
      lol, that was random, but, cool
    5. O R A N G E
      O R A N G E
      LOL here public schools have virtually no guaranteed funds from the government, the amount of money we get is based on test scores and what people vote they want to pay.

      I think all governments have flaws to everyone because, well, it's impossible for every single person to be pleased about everything. If someone managed to do that I'd give them a trophy. xD

      Ugh, politics make me depressed.
    6. O R A N G E
      O R A N G E
      Arg. I think that all classes must just suck. xD I'm being piled with massive amounts of homework and I'm taking an engineering class and basically just going 'wtf' the entire time. xD That's awesome that you get to do both though, we don't have stuff like that here in America. >< Probably because our country is just amazingly stupid and I'm ashamed to live here because we're making such an embarrassment of ourselves....but I'm getting ahead of myself. <3
    7. O R A N G E
      O R A N G E
      That's totally awesome! I love bilingual people, like I said I'm fascinated by language, I want to major in it in college and learn as many languages as I can.<3 There's actually a foreign exchange student at my school who speaks Portuguese, so I have some random little connection to the language. xD

      What's new?
    8. O R A N G E
      O R A N G E
      S'okay, taking long is no big. xD I do it a lot, I've got so much to do I always forget. <3

      Ah, so English isn't your first language? What is then? I'm fascinated with foreigners. xD
    9. Johnny Bravo
      Johnny Bravo
      im good, nope, havent finished my drawing yet....
    10. Johnny Bravo
      Johnny Bravo
      Hey, whats up?
    11. O R A N G E
      O R A N G E
      Oh, so you're an artist? Awesomeeee. I draw as well, but I've got a crap scanner so none of my drawings make it online. I prefer writing anyway. ^^

      So, what do you think of the site so far?
    12. Johnny Bravo
      Johnny Bravo
      ok, good luck thinking of something
    13. Johnny Bravo
      Johnny Bravo
      oh, try to draw the cover of KHII, thats what im doing, its preety hard
    14. Johnny Bravo
      Johnny Bravo
      good, how about you?
    15. O R A N G E
      O R A N G E
      Thanks dear. ^_^ I really like your username, I think it's quite creative. <3

      So, how's life?
    16. kumistrife
    17. kumistrife
      hello how r u??
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  • About

    January 21
    Home Page:
    you don't want to know (:
    nothing at all.
    hmm... does anyone reads this one?

    drawing, reading, eating, coloring, seeing, being, thinking, dreaming...



    I've been hurt beyond mental repair, thence destined to suffer etternal damnation.
    No one can be there for me to care, but without I will never find salvation.