148-Adjust the tint on his TV so that all the people are green
149-Ask him to prove everything he says. (example: him:"I'm Sora, nice to meet you..." you: "PROVE IT!")
150-Chant "swing-batabatabata-suhWING-batter!" all day
151-Call him "Champ" or "Tiger." and refer to yourself as "Coach."
152-Dress exactly like him
153-Sing along at an opera
A few more:
155-Holler random numbers while he is counting.
156-Speak to him in Morse code.
157-"Forget" the punch line to a long joke, but assure him it was a "real hoot."
158-Say "okay, you're gay" to anything he says.
139-fill all his e-mail with talking smilies
140-write notes to him im braille
141-call his name and when he looks at you, act like you don't know what hes talking about
142-try to brush his teeth for him
143-mess up his gravity defying hair that took forever to get right
this is my first post!!! :action-smiley-057: :registro5B15D: woooooooooo!!!
so i thought id post it on some thing funny.
my ideas:
-fill all his e-mail with talking smilies
-write notes to him im braille
-call his name and when he looks at you, act like you don't know what hes talking about
-try to brush his teeth for him
-mess up his gravity defying hair that took forever to get right