Thanks, I'll try that, but for some reason, the codes aren't working at all. With:
E001FEFF 0034D45C
1033E830 00001B04
I press L2, but nothing happens. I leave the Hall of the Cornerstone while holding it down, and it doesn't work at all. I don't have time now, but I guess I'll check and see if an other codes work. I'm using Gameshark 2 V1.2, if that means anything.
I have a problem with jokered room mods. Instead of taking Sora to the room I want, it goes to random rooms, usually Villain's Vale or Where Nothing Gathers. With codes like:
E002FEFF 0034D45C
1033E830 00001B04
I'm sorry I'm being so demanding, but I've been searching for a code to unlock the final xemnas battle anywhere. I've done several searches on kh-vids, and this is the only code for FM that I could find:
E002FDFF 0034D45C
2032BAE0 4A001412
2032BAE4 00004A4A
This code is supposed to trigger the final battle, but when I tried it, I ended up in the Soundless Prison. Is this the wrong code, or is my game screwed up? I have had some problems with room mods before.
What? I got those cards without cheats. And I don't know Japanese, but I know what they do:
Gold Card: Premium Cards can be reloaded for 5 reloads.
Platinum Card: Complete invincibility for 20 hits.
I can't get the Full Party code to work on my Gameshark. I tried using
4032F064 00130001
03020100 00000000
but the game always freezes. Wrong code, or am I using it wrong?
I'm trying a completely crazy and stupid experiment, and I just need a little help. I need a Full Party type code. Specifically, if there are only two available characters, it will only add one more for three characters on the field.
This is the code I used:
4032F064 00130001
03020100 00000000
And the game froze upon loading. And yes, I've tried it many times. Always froze.
Also, is there a problem with Final Xemnas? I can't get him to appear when I use the UCM.
Sorry to be so demanding, but I haven't yet found a full party code that works. Thanks!
However, when I tried to use it for the Marluxia Data Battle, it didn't change. It was still Donald and Goofy. However, I tried out of the battle, and the two Marluxias appeared. I then tried it heading towards the Postern, and the game froze (just like every other time I tried a joker). Is there a specific way I'm supposed to press the joker button? Because I doubt it's this unreliable for everyone else. Or does it have to do with specific areas having higher capacities?
I'm extremely new to using codes for KH2:FM, so I haven't gotten everything to work yet. Right now, I'm trying to get the Universal Character Modifier to work. The codes themselves work just fine, but I haven't gotten them to joker successfully. How exactly would you write a joker code for character mod (Say, turning Donald into Terra with L2 joker)? I'm using Gameshark v3, so RAW format, please.
Thanks, it worked. At least it was just a stupid mistake, and not something that couldn't be fixed. Now I just have to find codes for SOLID(ish) versions of the rooms I want!
It looks like my friend's Gameshark v3 is actually working--sorta.
After testing a long HP code, I wanted to try the Room of Sleep Room Mod. I used this code:
E002FDFF 0034D45C
1032BAE0 0000041B
It's supposed to be "The Room of Sleep" jokered to the R2 button. I tried holding it down and moving to the next room, and the game freezes. I take it as a sign that something's happening, but not what I want. I tried using other room codes, jokering to L2, and other random stuff, but it always freezes. Anything I'm missing?
Also, I tried using the code without jokering, and the game froze upon loading my game.
I've been interested in using codes on KH2:FM+, but the only cheat device I've tried is an old Gameshark that doesn't work. So, I wanted to get Swap Magic CODER. But, after looking all over the internet, I can't find a copy. All the websites are either out of stock, deleted, or some other weird thing. Do you know a RELIABLE place I can find CODER? Or should I just give up and get Codebreaker?
So, I'm doing a level 1 Critical Mode Challenge (Dying in two hits is tough, but not impossible). I decided that I would play the entire game up to the Gold Crown without adding any bonuses I couldn't take back. That means no leveling up, and absolutely NO regular stat ups. Limits, Drives, etc. are OK. I also made two exceptions: Drive/Summons can be leveled up, and AP Boosts can be used.
I beat the main story, and I'm working on beating the Org. XIII Data battles (halfway done). But I'm reaching a point that I can't push off anymore: The Mushrooms. Specifically, V, VII, and X. I've heard they are IMPOSSIBLE at level 1 without stat boosts, but I don't want to give up on my rules when I've gone this far...
What I'm asking is, what are the BEST techniques for the Mushrooms? I don't care how cheap it is with Limits, Drives, or Summons. Anything can work.
I'm afraid I might have to use stat ups, but if I have to, I have to. I just want to avoid them at all costs. Except for cheat codes, of course.
It looks like it's covered in small scratches. Well, maybe I'll get Codebreaker, but I don't care that much. I just wanted to see if what I already had would work. Thanks for the help anyways.