I know this was over a month ago... but are you still going to re-upload these?
I had actually downloaded some of the cutscenes from this topic to watch at my leisure and they were nothing short of gorgeous. But many of my files were deleted recently, and I had been looking for this topic again, though I figured that the links would be dead anyway...
I still don't see any validity in this coming from a random 2ch poster. Nomura wasn't even at DKΣ3713. When did this happen? I say it's vague on purpose.
Why does it even matter? The Secret page is obviously nothing new. It'll probably say something along the lines of, "Like in KHFM Secert Movie, new secrets shown in new Secret ending. Who are Terra??!! Terra like mystery figure in KHFM!1!"
It's fine. I doubt the song will appear in any game, or at least not under that title. Considering that it's the 13th Anthology, it's probably a composition of all the previous Organization 13 songs. That would include Deep Dive (which also involves Organization XIII and The Graceful Assassin), the 13th struggle, the 13th dilemma, and perhaps the extras, such as the 13th reflection and the 13th floor.
What's this "Twinkle Twinkle Holidays"? I don't recall any KH song named that, though it reminds me of the FM Christmas Town Theme (which I thought was "Happy Holidays" and "What a Surprise!" for the battles...). Sounds like a poor choice to me considering that there would be so many other good choices, such as, perhaps, a "Dearly Beloved Anthology" since there are so many songs that include it.
1st: Yeah, it would take up the space, but it would nonetheless be useful. I understand though. The problem with getting them from other sites is that they don't have Re:CoM and FM...
2nd: I doubt I ever will, I just threw that in there simply because I was curious for the response. I don't care enough about reputation to do anything about it, I just don't believe in it either, even if, more the most part, it's an accurate representation.
Hey, just thought it would be a nice idea if the KH videos in the video archive came in [a] different aspect ratio.
The reason I bring this up is because I have been trying to make AMVs using videos from several sources. But the problem is that the different aspect ratios make it look odd. Now, I enjoy the current aspect ratio for viewing (it has a movie sense about it), but I believe there should be at least another, one where it is full screen. I find that full screen is easier to work with when doing AMVs, such as those used at Blue Laguna. I've been tediously and rather frustratingly trying to get a program where the KHV videos can be cropped and resized, but to no avail.
I realize this is a heavy suggestion and it technically does not involve the forums, but it certainly would be very nice.
I know this is a different topic, but I'd like to address it and there's no point in making another thread.
I've just noticed that my reputation is down. I don't particularly care about reputation, but I was curious to see why it was lowered. And when I saw it... errr... yeaaahh...
One strike because someone didn't like my opinion that Xaldin is stronger than Vexen.
Another because I was being bluntly truthful that there is no actual KH1 camera mod for KH2 (which is correct).
... Now that's just ridiculous. The only thing motivating those two are spoiled superiority.
I propose that transitions in reputation are submitted for review BEFORE they change someone's reputation. On other words, the change is automatically sent to a mod or staff member, who can accept or deny it.