Recent Content by TessaOwnz

  1. TessaOwnz
    Infinite Chakra
    33000356 00FF

    Infinite Double-Jumps
    33000347 0000

    Infinite Timer Moves [Like Sharingan and stuff]
    33000355 00FF

    Party Modifier
    33004549 00XX

    XX - Effect
    00 - Cannot Switch [This sticks you as your current player]
    01 - Naruto
    02 - Sasuke
    03 - Naruto and Sasuke
    04 - Sakura
    05 - Naruto and Sakura
    06 - Sasuke and Sakura
    07 - Naruto, Sasuke and Sakura
    08 - Lee
    09 - Naruto and Lee
    0A - Sasuke and Lee
    0B - Naruto, Sasuke and Lee
    0C - Sakura and Lee
    0D - Naruto, Sakura and Lee
    0E - Sasuke, Sakura and Lee
    0F - Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura and Lee

    Scroll Modifiers
    8300454E YYXX
    33004550 00ZZ

    Where XX is 1st Scroll, YY is the 2nd Scroll and ZZ is the 3rd Scroll.

    ?? - Effect
    00 - Chouji's Scroll
    01 - Shino's Scroll
    02 - Shikamaru's Scroll
    03 - Kiba's Scroll
    04 - Kakashi's Scroll
    05 - The 3rd Hokage's Scroll
    FF - No Scroll

    Here is some more codes I have found I hope I have helped :D
    Post by: TessaOwnz, Aug 13, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. TessaOwnz
    Master Code [North America]

    This code will let you enter any other Gameshark codes for Naruto: Ninja Council 2.

    I know it's late on that and it's not for code breaker but I thought it would help people that was looking for something like this ^^
    Post by: TessaOwnz, Aug 13, 2013 in forum: The Spam Zone