Recent Content by Takumachi

  1. Takumachi


    Aww, thanks everyone. Now I shall wonder around. It's my favorite thing to do!
    Post by: Takumachi, Oct 16, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  2. Takumachi


    Hey everyone, another noobie. XD

    Name's Amanda but just call me Takumachi. Born in the US and dream of seeing Vancouver, Canada. People say I can draw, but eh. I love video games and reading. I used to be very into Manga and Anime, but my love for music has grown more over the years. Still collecting it, but just not as in to it. I listen to all types of music and will dance as long as the lights are turn off and my bedroom door is closed and locked. ^^; 17 years old and everyone keeps telling me I don't act my age.

    Plus I LOVE KINGDOM HEARTS!!!!! lol
    Thread by: Takumachi, Oct 16, 2007, 24 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures