Recent Content by TakeMeToTheHospital

  1. TakeMeToTheHospital
    Dead thread I know, but I came up with the 'legal ninja' thing. The age of consent in the UK is 16, therefore she is legal, and the phrase was invented during my 16th when another friend started nicknaming me ninja.

    "Lol, I have no idea what goes through her head..."

    Could say the same to you!
    Post by: TakeMeToTheHospital, Nov 1, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. TakeMeToTheHospital
    Yeah that's another thing actually. If the student is young, like 14-15, then I can't really say they're mature enough to deal with an adult relationship so it's best to keep it a crush. But I think older students are more mature to decide whether it's just a crush because the teacher is an authority figure, or whether they are genuinely interested in them.
    Also, I know we're talking about relationships in general, but for some (like me) the age of consent is 16, yet you can't have a relationship with a teaher unless you're 18 or older and are not being taught by them. I think if you're mature enough at 16 to make the decision as to whether you're ready for sex then you're mature enough to decide if you could handle an adult relationship.

    And about the privileges stuff - it's just the same as being your teacher's favourite, they may let you get away with stuff or give you extra help or whatever. Teachers are biased in that way without even considering relationships.
    Post by: TakeMeToTheHospital, Oct 20, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  3. TakeMeToTheHospital
    You know what I think. :P
    -Is interested to see the discussion-

    Oh yeah, my views...
    By the way, I could be a little biased due to a little situation here.
    But anyway.

    Fair enough if the guy is old and is only in the teaching profession for the young girls and is a total perv, then he should get done for it. But if the teacher and student are genuinely interested in each other? I don't think anyone else has the right to say what goes on in their relationship...
    And regarding the breach of trust and abuse of power rubbish... You have to trust your teachers and they have to trust you, fair enough. But don't you trust your partner in a relationship? So I kinda don't get that bit. And the abuse of power is understandable if the teacher is like the aforementioned and says something like "You won't get an A unless you sleep with me", but otherwise I see nothing wrong with it?
    I mean, I can get away with murder in one of my classes whereas others don't, and I'm not seeing the teacher, so it's not like if the teacher and student were together they get certain privileges due to that relationship.

    Am I making sense?
    Post by: TakeMeToTheHospital, Oct 20, 2009 in forum: Discussion
  4. TakeMeToTheHospital
    Yeah, it's kind of an old one now, I guess. If you've seen Spirited Away, then you'll love this one - same director, both as popular.
    Post by: TakeMeToTheHospital, Jun 21, 2009 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  5. TakeMeToTheHospital

    Calcifer's the fire demon from Howl's Moving Castle. 8D
    Post by: TakeMeToTheHospital, Jun 19, 2009 in forum: Social Groups (KH-Vids.Net Forum)
  6. TakeMeToTheHospital
    I'm guessing that was to me since I was above your post.


    I'm a she.

    Try again.
    Post by: TakeMeToTheHospital, Apr 6, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone
  7. TakeMeToTheHospital
    Axel-chanviii's name, I reckon, iiiiiisssssssssssssssss...........

    Shannon, by any chance?

    Post by: TakeMeToTheHospital, Apr 6, 2009 in forum: The Spam Zone