Recent Content by syphon_eternity

  1. syphon_eternity
    So I'm trying to convert the WMV files to MOV files due to the fact that I own a Imac. Great system but obviously I can't use Windows Movie Maker on it.

    Anyone know and file converters?
    Thread by: syphon_eternity, Mar 11, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: Technology
  2. syphon_eternity
    I have an Imac. I love the system, but the only problem is the video clip downloads are for WMV which doesn't run on the Imac. So I can't make the music video I was going to make unless I get the right format. Help?
    Thread by: syphon_eternity, Feb 8, 2008, 1 replies, in forum: Discussion