Recent Content by Sylkar

  1. Sylkar
    So well hi everyone, my real name's Milan, i'm from Mauritius (small island lost in the ocean... but i prefer calling it Destiny Island!)

    i'm fifteen, in high school (The World That Never Was's dungeon you know.) and umm i really like to have fun, go completely mental and making new friends! I love Kingdom hearts ever since the day i even thought of buying the first game! lol, and in the next few weeks i'm getting a codebreaker to be able to take on Two Sephiroths at a time! ("What about three?") (hey i'm good, very good at Kingdom Hearts but.... let's just set the target at two alright?)

    I like any kind of music, but i have a strong preference for Rock music and most specially Punk music! Fall Out Boy Rocks! lol i'm not emo in any way XD, i mean i don't have anything against emo people but when i say fall out boy some people think i'm emo... (i wonder why...) i'm lively, i love life and sea salt ice cream! i've already made a really stupid reply, check it out:

    now could anyone tell me how to get display pics and sigs?? plzzz
    Thread by: Sylkar, Jul 12, 2007, 9 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  2. Sylkar
    Crimson Cloud, welcome the Newbie plzzz

    hey hey hey i wanna join i wanna join!!

    right first thing... name!

    Name: Laxative ( but please, spare me the embarrassment, call me Alex)

    Title: The Frozen Crimson Cloud

    Weapon: two broad swords (like cloud's swords but only sharper and that can shoot beams XD!) (P.S. i'm pissed off at Sora cause i think that his Valor fighting style is largely copied from me!)

    Power: Mirrors and Reflection. I Can control Fire, Ice and Pure Darkness, i can create mirror like things on the battlefield to reflect magic spells and i can also take my enemy and force him into the mirror, then i go in too, taking my enemy to an alternate reality where i'm Invincible for Thirty seconds! i have a Secret second form and even a third one! but... it's secret... (*sinister look*)

    Personality: funny, a little stupid at times, i always try to sing like the singer of F.O.B but then people tell me to shut up... (i'm the one all alone in the tent next to the HQ...) and when i'm pissed off i throw defective electronic equipment at people; from a simple mp3 player to a massive printer XD! You can easily recognize me during meetings, i'm the one that falls off these giant chairs... veterants tell me i play around too much... XD! but in battle there's no jokes, only casualties!

    hey and i'd like to add a appearance section XD i know; i'm going mental!

    Appearance: i've got hair that's whiter than Xemnas (HA! in your face old man! lol!), i'm not that tall, fifteen years old only and i tore off the sleeves of my uniform but heck they won't gimme another one so... my uniform's sleeves are torn off, the main zipper in front is never fastened so it's like a BIG jacket flying around while i'm fighting to confuse my enemy XD! (well that's what i tell them when they ask, actually that zipper broke because it was like the last coat they had...) my eyes are green when i'm not fighting, Red in my first fighting form, pale grey in my second form and golden when i'm in my third form (i'm dead sexy eh?) ("dead maybe but sexy...")
    Post by: Sylkar, Jul 12, 2007 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Sylkar
    maybe voldemort's darker but Xenmas would cut him in pieces with his sabers before he could even show that he's darker XD! lol One thing i'd like really like to see is Roxas bashing Draco XP!
    Post by: Sylkar, Jul 12, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone