Recent Content by SWHSmash

  1. SWHSmash
    Hey there. I'm currently using @gledson999 and @sora6645 EnglishRev2.kh1patch and it working so far good. Thank you for the current work on this btw! Haven't test the current bugs but I'm not sure if this is also still reported.

    • When gain the ability to use the red trinity marks, there is one in the second district at the gate to the secret waterway.
    I encounter a white screen after using them. The 'using trinity' sound appears and that's it.

    I know that that I have to use the unpatched/untouched japanese iso to get it fully working, but I was hoping, someone has found a workaround for this, instead changing the isos.

    Afaik this also happens in hollow bastion when using the red mark on the statue for the door piece.


    EDIT: Not fully sure about this, but I might know that this was fixed on the Critical Mix iso.
    Post by: SWHSmash, Jan 20, 2022 in forum: Code Vault