ok i now have created a really basic ar max code that will probably work.valor with master moveset and with antiform model.Weapons are also set to sky mode.
note:you drive into valor form.
can someone try out this code.I basically used valor form, gave it anti and valor moveset and the model is tron sora.I also set weapons to sky mode and just drive in valor form.
ps. tell my how i could improve it!
does anyone know some good code combinations cuz i am collecting the best codes before i get my ar max!I also have tried a new combination.
200F9000 10400005
200F9004 944F004C
11CFAC84 00000055
200F900C 142F0001
200F9010 240F0002
200F9010 240F0006
200F9014 A44F004E
200F9018 03E00008
201D1694 0803E400
21CB9C54 5f303031
21CB9C58 00005254
(just drive into valor)
used valor and gave it anti and valor moveset.I set weapons to sky and i also gave it a tron sora model. Please tell me if i need to make any changes!
i want to see what would happen when i try it out. I put all three together. Test it out if you want to or you can say why it cant be done.
ps. You must have unlocked final form or game will freeze