Recent Content by supermatt100

  1. supermatt100
    did they ever fix the code to give sora way to dawn rikus weapon i no that there is a code to do it but you cant attack with it or any thing so its pointless so did they ever make a code to give sora rikus weapon?
    Post by: supermatt100, Feb 15, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  2. supermatt100
    thanks do i have to put any thing were the FF is?

    thanks i got the code working guess you dont need to put any thing there also if any one needs some codes tested i can test them

    also i was wondering if there was a code to have sora use riku's keyblade i have tried a code before and it worked but it was like the key dident exist it did no damage or any thing also what is the code to give sora 99 ultimas also the one to give him all the magic spells and drives sorry to ask for so many codes :(
    Post by: supermatt100, Feb 14, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  3. supermatt100
    is there a max ap Code i been looking every were for one and can not find it
    Post by: supermatt100, Feb 14, 2010 in forum: Code Vault