Recent Content by Superior of the InBetween

  1. Superior of the InBetween
  2. Superior of the InBetween
  3. Superior of the InBetween
    Series of Unfortunate Events,The End!
    Post by: Superior of the InBetween, Aug 11, 2015 in forum: Literature
  4. Superior of the InBetween
    Sadly, all I can do is complain when it comes to Windows 10. I didn't get the chance to have a positive experience it, considering the only thing I could do was open Google Chrome and turn off the computer. Literally, that's all I could do. Had to force it into safe mode to revert back to Windows 8.1. Oh boy. I really hope the bugs towards my laptop are fixed soon, I hear some good things about Windows 10!
    Post by: Superior of the InBetween, Aug 11, 2015 in forum: Technology
  5. Superior of the InBetween
  6. Superior of the InBetween
  7. Superior of the InBetween
  8. Superior of the InBetween
  9. Superior of the InBetween
    What's interesting to me at the moment is that there is a SET of trophies for the 358/2 Days Cinematics. Not just one, not just two, but a SET. Personally, I just assumed there would be one for watching the first scene, and one for watching the end scene, and possibly one for watching all the way through without manually choosing specific scenes.
  10. Superior of the InBetween
  11. Superior of the InBetween
  12. Superior of the InBetween
    Profile Post Comment

    I know right?

    I know right?
    Profile Post Comment by Superior of the InBetween, Jan 28, 2013
  13. Superior of the InBetween
    These screenshots look AMAZING. It would have been interesting to see a Re: 358/2 Days or something, but at the same time...I'm looking at this like a Kingdom Hearts movie that fans were begging for a half a decade ago. XD
    I'm seriously loving seeing one specific character though...DEMYX. True, he was weak, he was a coward, but face it...HE WAS AWESOME. I wouldn't mind having him as a bestie or a younger brother, y'know?

    Post by: Superior of the InBetween, Jan 28, 2013 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  14. Superior of the InBetween
  15. Superior of the InBetween