Recent Content by Summers-Hero

  1. Summers-Hero
    my thery

    heres my thery
    the guy in the one interviw said that one of the knights is a charicter we've seen so that means that means BK COULD be roxas I strees COULD im not shour and he also said that it COULD I stress agaen COULD take place in the past or futur so i think it tacks place in the futur becus the way to dawn is there remembur riku dident get it utill u make to the world that never was rite:confused: XD my head hurts
    miky has the star seeker becuse his keyblade is with the BHC rite:confused: rite :confused: so tell me if im wrong let me no if u like my thery or if it makes sense:confused:
    Post by: Summers-Hero, Mar 30, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates