Recent Content by Suigetsu

  1. Suigetsu
    Thanks! I'd really appreciate any kind of help. Even if I could get ahold of a high quality video of a fight with the sound but with the BGM turned off, I'd be able to go from there.
    Post by: Suigetsu, Feb 20, 2012 in forum: Technology
  2. Suigetsu
    Hey guys, I've been wanting to set one of my phone notifications to that sound that plays when the black Information bar comes up at the beginning of some battles in Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts II, & Birth by Sleep. So far, I've downloaded and listened to the available sound bites and whatnot (I have Twilight Town, Hollow Bastion, & Organization XIII .zip files downloaded from the Audio Archive here), but no result, since they all contain voices and miscellaneous sounds that I'm not looking for. I also tried converting a YouTube video that has the sound, but I'd prefer to not have a cutout where you can hear the background music. (For some reason, I'm not finding any more YouTube battle videos with alternate music that also include download links to the original "no BGM" videos.) I attached a cutout of the sound I'm referring to, but as you can hear, "Rage Awakened -The Origin-" can still be heard in the background. Would anyone be able to help me out?
    Thread by: Suigetsu, Feb 17, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: Technology