Recent Content by Sufris

  1. Sufris
    I'd say something wise and TL;DR, but it's the spam zone, so I'mma keep it short, yeah...

    One, parents always think they're right; they don't always see their fault.
    Two, my day has been aryt... My vacation's almost over but I don't know what to do anymore. So I'm kinda derping on Facebook.
    Three, my mom annoys the hell outta me too, but I'm not much in a position to get angry as you are. Hope that year break doesn't fly by too fast, though.
    Post by: Sufris, Jun 11, 2012 in forum: The Spam Zone
  2. Sufris


    Hello, and welcome!

    Not an active member myself, but try to have fun and make friends here. And well, if not, hope you find the threads here entertaining.

    Also, as always, read the rules, etc. Maybe I'll see you around.
    Post by: Sufris, Jun 11, 2012 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  3. Sufris
  4. Sufris
  5. Sufris
  6. Sufris
  7. Sufris
  8. Sufris


    Yay new members! C: Welcome to KHV, Dannie!
    Have fun here, make new friends, etc. Like all forums, always read the rules.
    P.S; although he's not my favorite, I love Axel too. 8D
    Post by: Sufris, May 25, 2012 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  9. Sufris
  10. Sufris
    To clarify... I say I'm problematic cause I posted here quite a few times. XDD But thank you for the encouraging and wise words. I appreciate it very much, thank you~
    Post by: Sufris, May 23, 2012 in forum: Help with Life
  11. Sufris
    -is not used to being called 'baby' ;;;;-
    I'm so clueless on these things. ;-; Thank you for telling me...!

    Isn't that what a lot of people need to do to get noticed anywhere? It's a little saddening, imo. But as I recall, she does what she does cause she wants to as well.
    Post by: Sufris, May 23, 2012 in forum: Current Events
  12. Sufris
  13. Sufris
    So, um... I read the rules about what should be posted here and I'm not sure if this really should be here, but it is a current event. Just in my country though.

    Anyways, Lady Gaga had a concert here yesterday and today if I'm not wrong. God knows why, but as she was having her concert, people were outside rallying about how she is a Satanist. Their "proof" were her songs Alejandro, Judas and another song (I forgot which). Judas I understand, but I don't see anything wrong with Alejandro. Maybe the part where she ate the rosary, which really shouldn't be done but I'm not judging her for that.

    In any case, I think the people rallying are too... Judgmental? I don't know how to say it without really insulting anyone. I guess they just failed to see the deeper meaning in her songs and immediately thought her to be a Satanist because she was different. /le opinion!

    Thread by: Sufris, May 22, 2012, 4 replies, in forum: Current Events
  14. Sufris
    Profile Post

    TT.TT God help us all.

    TT.TT God help us all.
    Profile Post by Sufris for Dinny, May 22, 2012