Recent Content by Streetfighter

  1. Streetfighter
    Those of you who have a deviantART account might have seen some of these.

    ATK 13
    STR 11
    MP -3
    Special Abilities: Allows the wielder to use Dark Firaga when equipped.

    ATK 12
    STR 10
    MP +3
    Special Abilities: Allows the wielder to freely use Firaga without spending MP.

    Venom Splash
    ATK 9
    STR 6
    MP +4
    Special Abilities: Allows the wielder to freely use Graviga without spending MP. Good chance of casting Bio on the target when used as a melee weapon.

    ATK 10
    STR 7
    MP -4
    Special Abilities: Allows the wielder to freely use Thundaga without spending MP.

    Old Fossil (colors pending)
    ATK 10
    STR 9
    MP 0
    Special Abilities: Doubles the fighting power of the wielder if low on health.

    (color and stats pending)
    Thread by: Streetfighter, Sep 11, 2012, 1 replies, in forum: Arts & Graphics
  2. Streetfighter
    Was trying to download Aqua's Ending and the Final Ending + Credits on this page, but neither are working due to either the connection to the server being wonky or the video was deleted. :3
    Post by: Streetfighter, Dec 14, 2011 in forum: Feedback & Assistance
  3. Streetfighter
    My music videos from my YouTube. Enjoy!

    This is my very first Kingdom Hearts music video. Back then, I only had access to the openings and endings of the game. :(

    After discovering I was able to make better music videos. This Hercules-themed one of mine got quite popular on YouTube. :)

    Continuing on with my Disney-themed music videos, this one is my very first SoraxKairi themed video.

    My Little Mermaid-themed video also gained much popularity.

    A cute little mini-video tribute to Kairi.

    Decided to do a Riku tribute some time later.

    Nothing really special here, but I wanted to see how the backward lyrics of Sanctuary sounded with the proper clips. People seemed to like it.

    Finally decided on making a silly video thanks to some very creative fellow artists from deviantART. Heh heh.

    Well, I discovered this song on a trance cd I bought a long time ago and I thought it fits the Kingdom Hearts theme pretty well.

    Yay, a Roxas tribute from me!

    This opening song fits with Kingdom Hearts much more so than the Blood+ anime it belonged to.

    Okay, this isn't totally a Kingdom Hearts music video, but I really want to share its overall silliness with everyone.

    Whoa, I didn't realize I've made so many Kingdom Hearts music videos. :eek: Heh heh...
    Thread by: Streetfighter, May 2, 2007, 1 replies, in forum: Production Studio