Recent Content by Sticky the Somebody!!

  1. Sticky the Somebody!!
    Ty rolled back and forth slashing at everything that came into veiw trying to rid hiself of the heartless. They seemed to start to thin out after a minute that felt like an eternity. He saw a large black figure step into his view, realizing too late thar it was the man that threw Demyx into the battle.
    Post by: Sticky the Somebody!!, Nov 7, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  2. Sticky the Somebody!!
    Ty stood up gasping for breath, recovering from his recent laugh attack, and started to charge at a group of heartless. As he was fighing he noteced a new addition to the fighters, a girl. Once he killed all the heartless in his are he mmoved over to help her out, but was knocked over as Demyx ran by, arms flailing and screaming like a little girl. Before he could stand he got attacked by a group of heartless.
    Post by: Sticky the Somebody!!, Nov 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  3. Sticky the Somebody!!
    People, people, people. XD More people have been added, and obviously the deadline has to be moved. Me and dman.sora are working on that so PLEASE DON'T FORGET US!!!!!!!!!!
    Post by: Sticky the Somebody!!, Nov 3, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  4. Sticky the Somebody!!
    Demx screamed out of morbid fear as he was thrown into he middle of a throng of Heartless. He imediately jumped up and begn to run around in circles with all of the Heartles in the area chasing him.

    Ty couldn't help but to laugh a the sight. when Demyx ran by Ty faked him out by lunging in his direction causing him to jump up at least four feet in the air. Thats when Ty lost it, he colllapsed to the ground, hardly able to brathe he was laughing so hard
    Post by: Sticky the Somebody!!, Oct 31, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  5. Sticky the Somebody!!
    "Oh no not yet I can't do that, you,ve seen me fight it's not good" Demyx said as he was being drug away, not ready to face his fear.


    Ty lunged again at the next heartless and tripped and fell on his face. As he slowy stood up and tasted blood in his mouth, realizing he split his lip. he looked around for the next heartless and saw demyx being dragged in his direction.

    "Now what does he want? He looks scared of me.... this might be fun" Ty chuckled to himself.
    Post by: Sticky the Somebody!!, Oct 24, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  6. Sticky the Somebody!!
    Demyx turned around to take a look at what was happening.

    "Wait, you expect me to go and lend a hand? Oh no no no not me, not with all those scarry heartless over there as well as what he might do to me considering our recent conversation, now that he knows about the Keyblade. No way!" Demyx remarked as he slowly walked away, too scared to do something about it.
    Post by: Sticky the Somebody!!, Oct 22, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  7. Sticky the Somebody!!
    Demyx looked around, hoping no one heard him scream like a little girl.

    "You know,I would really like it if you didn't tell anybody that I scream like that. Oh! By the way" Demyx said changing the direction of the conversation "I found a keyblade bearer that can help us"

    Demyx motioned over his shoulder to where Tybic was standing.

    Ty defeated heartless after heartless, letting his rage do the fighting.

    "Where does it end!" He shouted as he slashed annother heartless "They keep comming. I don't know how much longer I can do this."
    Post by: Sticky the Somebody!!, Oct 22, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  8. Sticky the Somebody!!
    OOC: SORRY GUYS!!!!! I havent gotten a chance to get on do much. But I'm back now so here it goes:

    ps: Hey Roxaspartanti, can you ease up on me a bit it gets hard when you get attacked by 50 things and can't respond. Thx.

    bic: Demyx stood behind a building laughing to himself when suddenly Axel jumped out of a portal.

    "AHHHHH!!!!" screamed Demyx.

    Ty looked around as more heartless appeared bloking all his escape routes.

    "Looks like I get a rough initiation to this whole Keyblade thing" he mumbled. Ty shuged his shoulders and charged.

    OOC: Does that work as a returning statement? Oh and can someone recap what happened after my last post i don't feel like reading that much. Greatly appreciated. ;-P
    Post by: Sticky the Somebody!!, Oct 21, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  9. Sticky the Somebody!!
    "How do you think? I've been folowing you ever since that lady nailed your parents. That's how I knew that sound would bring you running."

    "So you made that scream so I would come to you?"

    "Exactly, don't be mad"

    "And just what were you planing once you got me here?"

    "That's where the part about me knowing somethinjg you don't"

    "And just what might that be?"

    "We need your help" Demyx snapped his fingers and thre heartless appeared.

    "What the...?!?!"

    "Your turn" Demyx remarked as he turned and dissapeared into a portal.

    Ty looked at the heartless as they slowly started to move toward him. Suddenly one lunged at him. Ty flinched and kneeled donw on one knee moving his arm in front of him to block himself. There was a bright flash as the keyblade appeared in his arm just in time to stop the heartless, the heartless flew back and dissapeared into darkness.

    "The Keyblade" Ty heard Demyx say.

    Ty slowly stood looking at the keyblade in his hand

    "A Keyblade..." Ty said in wonder.
    Post by: Sticky the Somebody!!, Oct 8, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  10. Sticky the Somebody!!
    Ty ran. And ran. He never seemed to get closer to the scream, he felt like he had been running forever. But he never stopped, he wasn't about to let that person get away with what they were doing. Suddenly the screaming stopped.

    "Nooooo!" Ty shouted as ha picked up his pace.

    Ty turned a corner in the direction that he thought the scream had come from. He smacked right into someone. He fell dowm onto his back.

    "Well, well, well, look who we have here. Tybic, right?" Demyx said looking down on him.

    "Who are you? And how do you know my name?" Ty responded suprised.

    "Demyx is the name, Organization XIII is the game. He he."

    "What? You aren't making any sense."

    "Um sorry I'm not good at this whole rhyming thing. But that doesn't matter. I know everything about you... even things you don't know yourself."


    "Look, we've been watching you"

    Post by: Sticky the Somebody!!, Oct 7, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  11. Sticky the Somebody!!
    As Ty kept walking ,looking down at his feet, he passed through the barrier between worlds. He felt a cold shiver run down his spine, looked up and was surprised to see a whole new scene in front of him. He looked around to see a fairly calm and pleasant town.

    "There is something strange about this place" He thought to himself.

    At that very moment he heard a scream. It was the same scream he heard when his parents were killed. A boiling anger arose in him toward the person that was the cause of that pain. He knew he had to do something about it.

    "I will help that person" He said to himself "I may not have a weapon but I'll work it out when I get there."

    So off he went with his anger growing more and more as he approached the source of the scream.
    Post by: Sticky the Somebody!!, Oct 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  12. Sticky the Somebody!!
    Tybic just walked, no idea where he was headed he relied on his feet and heart to lead him in the right direction. He was numb, he didn't even realize the dark clothed person following him.

    "Ah... I can feel it, the anger in him. But wait what is that?!?! Oh no!" Demyx said in fear, because a keyblade had appeared in his hand.

    Tybic just kept walking not even noticing the keyblade.

    ooc: not to spam but can I call him Ty? and does he know he has the keyblade?
    Post by: Sticky the Somebody!!, Oct 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  13. Sticky the Somebody!!
    Hey dude i'm gonna give sora and riku a whirl to if you don't mind
    Post by: Sticky the Somebody!!, Oct 5, 2008 in forum: Discussion
  14. Sticky the Somebody!!
    Tybic sat in the corner with his head down, sobbing.

    "I will get that evil woman, she will pay for what she has done."

    Tybic sniffed, slowly stood and swallowed his tears. He looked over to the door and took his first step toward revenge, with many more to come.
    Post by: Sticky the Somebody!!, Oct 5, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home
  15. Sticky the Somebody!!
    Cool thx when are we gonna start? And how?
    Post by: Sticky the Somebody!!, Oct 4, 2008 in forum: Retirement Home