laugh at me if you want but in proud mode it took me close to 15 tries to beat the boss in pirates of the carribean world...the boss where you have to collect the medallions from by only attacking him with took forever!!!!!!!!!1
Ok stuck at hollow bastion, i am at the point where donald and goofy have abandoned me for riku (since he now has the keyblade). In my party i have the beast. I understand that i now have to make my way through the maze thing all the way up to main entrance of the castle where i fight riku. But my problem lies here im at level 41 in expert mode with a wooden sword as my only weapon. I cannot train to gain more levels nor can i go to another world to train ( since you cannot use the gummi ship without donald and goofy). What should i do? Please HELP me? and if i am not clear with my description or if you need more info on my situation tell me...and again thank you.:nono:
yeah it depends on how you look at it.. we have disrupted the natural flow of adaptation, genetic makeup, habitat and sometimes niches of many species. And as for ourselves we have stopped our own evolutionary progress by taking care of the sick. In theory they should be left to die so the genes in the people who have survived can move as a progression. I do not by any mean intend to state that the theory of evolution is a fact. For all we know out behavior be just the way it was meant to be and something in the future will find a way to keep out output in check just as the lion keeps the gazelle population in check....who knows one can only speculate...
Some may have posted this pic already, if so sorry, but i have not a clue if this is real i had googled "kingdom hearts" and in the images it was on the first page