Recent Content by Statuess

  1. Statuess
    Oh okay... I'll get the original then since as far as I saw the Platinum version looks boring and the original has a cute picture of Sora on the disk. :) Thanks everyone!
    Post by: Statuess, Jan 15, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  2. Statuess
    I hope it doesn't come out on the 360 'cos there is no way in hell I'll be buying one of those! If it comes out on the PS3, I will probably have to wait a decade to play it, because I have better things to spend my limited money on. I have a Wii and I love it, and think it would be fun to play KH on it, but I honestly think the best (as well as most plausible) choice would be to stick with the PS2.
    Post by: Statuess, Jan 14, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  3. Statuess
    Okay, since I'm finally getting a PS2, I have to order Kingdom Hearts ASAP, but... What is the difference between the original KH and the platinum version? Do you actually get anything extra and is it worth it? ^^ Thanks for your help!
    Thread by: Statuess, Jan 14, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD I.5 ReMIX
  4. Statuess
    I don't know~... I guess I think a human grows its own soul, which is always changing, and when they die it just gets released into the area around them...
    Post by: Statuess, Jan 4, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  5. Statuess
    And break the hearts of countless yaoi fangirls? D:

    It's not just that. *laugh* Actually, I don't like Kairi and the idea of Sora (who I also KINDA' don't like because I just happen to like Orgy XIII more and he was mean to them... >.>) kissing her makes me feel nauseous and vaguely angry. I think it's better if they just leave that stuff out entirely. <.<
    Post by: Statuess, Jan 4, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  6. Statuess
    Indeed I do. (I first thought "Oh, is that what it's called?" 'cos I was just calling it the H***S***.)

    I take it you have it, then? What else have you done? (It's possible you're further than me, 'cos I haven't had a chance to play it for a couple of weeks (I know! Terrible!) so haven't gotten any further.)
    Post by: Statuess, Jan 1, 2007 in forum: Gaming
  7. Statuess


    To get friends you should say something charming and lovely! *silly grin* (Actually, what I mean is you should seek real friends by making sure you have something in common, or, like... friend-chemistry or something. ^^)
    Post by: Statuess, Dec 30, 2006 in forum: Discussion
  8. Statuess
    Babe! You're in the UK! I love people in the UK, whereabouts are you? ^^

    Why not pay the P&P yourself? *grin* (I have to say I'm pretty tempted to get one myself, but I have too many expensive hobbies. >_> *in debt to her Mum for the next year*)
    Post by: Statuess, Dec 30, 2006 in forum: Discussion
  9. Statuess
    Indeed we do. Which is(/are) your favourite(s)? ^_^ I actually really liked Majora's Mask. (TP is turning out awesome, though!)
    Post by: Statuess, Dec 30, 2006 in forum: Gaming
  10. Statuess
    Don't know exactly what your problem is, but I'm also on the water temple. The best general tip I have is "look up". ^^ (BTW, do you have the item you get in the temple yet? *doesn't want to say outright what it is in case someone complains*)
    Post by: Statuess, Dec 30, 2006 in forum: Gaming
  11. Statuess
    XD That has to be the most amazing thing I've ever read.

    I'm terrible at making up last names. I have trouble doing it for my own characters. o_o
    Post by: Statuess, Dec 30, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  12. Statuess
    I have to say, every year after mine in school seems to get ruder!

    When it comes to ANY kind of punishment, a kid just has to see there are other ways to go about things before they could start resisting. (It's similar to this thing we discussed in Philosophy and Belief- Does a religious upbringing brainwash a child into belief. And in some cases, it does the exact opposite.)

    Also, maybe it's because I was never spanked properly or regularly, but if a parent (it would only be my father, and even that's not very likely) raises a hand against me, all I feel is hatred, anger and injustice. (Other than that, my Mum hit the cat about a month ago for being sick on the table, and even though she said it was just a tap, it was loud enough for me to hear the impact and it still upsets me.)

    Maybe I'm a narcissist to think I would never deserve a physical punishment from them. I do as I want, but I am not vulgar. As a matter of fact, I think that most punishments are highly flawed.

    Like bullying, wouldn't it only lead to a repeat of the same? If everyone did it, it could get out of control.
    Post by: Statuess, Dec 30, 2006 in forum: Discussion
  13. Statuess


    Personally, I don't think goths have to be depressed and I think most emos are fakers. >_> Don't flame me, it's just that is p**ses me off 'cos I've always thought of 'emos' as "I'm more twisted than them". (My best friend say I AM emo, but I just don't dress like them or hang out with them.) However, the people who don't PRETEND to have problems are actually really cool.

    I think I'm depressed. My oldest brother was/is, and gets disability allowance. If I'm not, I'm certain I must have something.

    However, I guess because I just act quiet in school or something, it hasn't really been noticed in me. A year or two ago, I mentioned it to Mum and said I wanted to take something for it and she just brushed it off, so I don't talk to her about it anymore. I've never properly seen someone to be diagnosed, or even really talked to an adult about it in that way, but I usually get a very high score on the "Goldberg Depression Test" (I used to be virtually addicted to it when I first started feeling depressed but when I felt REALLY bad I just stopped being able to even look at it.)

    I think some people could be saying they are depressed to get attention, but if they are, they must have a problem! It does seem, though, that people are having more and more psychological problems.

    Also, there's an "exuberance" gene, which has a long or short allele (version). This could affect depression, I think.

    I actually am easily amused, and my moods vary a lot. I tend to feel happier if I have less people to compare myself to. It's possible I just get lows following hormonial highs! (I actually observed this in myself, so it could happen on a larger scale..?)
    Post by: Statuess, Dec 30, 2006 in forum: The Spam Zone
  14. Statuess
    Oh, how awfully romantic! XD (I don't really agree with it, but it is a cute theory. And new theories are good!)
    Post by: Statuess, Dec 30, 2006 in forum: Discussion