Recent Content by Squishy

  1. Squishy
    I know it's lame, but a dictionary T-T I started reading one two days ago and it's seriously addictive to find a word that you can use while holding a conversation and have someone go 'What's that mean?'. Makes you feel super smart B) Plus you can start anywhere you want :/ Don't even need a bookmark.
    Post by: Squishy, Mar 16, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  2. Squishy


    I think that parents who can't control their child don't deserve to have one. However, since my opinion on that matter doesn't count for ****, I can sort of see what he means by if you've never had a problem child you won't be able to understand, but I do not agree with the OP nor the children not being able to trust one another. To me, being able to trust someone is important. And how are the children supposed to deeply express their feelings if they know that afterwards they'll have a room full of people cutting them down? Not to mention the last paragraph made me realize that they aren't 'curing' these children, they're turning them into lifeless clones who can't think for themselves anymore. Hell, I bet the parents wouldn't be so happy about their new kids if they knew exactly what they had to go through. About how their child is only 'nice' now because they're scared to be anything but.
    Post by: Squishy, Mar 13, 2007 in forum: Discussion
  3. Squishy
    Camera=Seizure. Seizure=Disorder. So I guess that's close enough D=
    Post by: Squishy, Mar 7, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  4. Squishy
    I'd simply have to say myself u.u I've got OCD...And everyone loves laughing at the slow kids :/
    Post by: Squishy, Mar 7, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone