Recent Content by SquallLionheartXIII

  1. SquallLionheartXIII
    Gameshark weapon mods

    Could someone give me the GS weapon swapper codes for the following objects please?:
    Xaldin's Spears
    Saix's Claymore
    Demyx's Sitar
    Sephy's blade (if possible)
    Nobody Lance
    Battlefields of War (auron's sword)
    and the code for weapon swaps.
    Thank you all! =D
    Post by: SquallLionheartXIII, Jul 12, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  2. SquallLionheartXIII
    Boss warp codes

    Does any body have the second Demyx battle warp GS code? Also I'd like a GS code for driving without party members
    Post by: SquallLionheartXIII, Apr 15, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  3. SquallLionheartXIII

    uhh..... Hi?

    I'm a Newbie!!! hullo other Kingdom hearts fans!
    Thread by: SquallLionheartXIII, Mar 6, 2010, 9 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures
  4. SquallLionheartXIII
    1000 heartless

    Does anybody have the code to redo the 1000 heartless battle? Also, I would like the code to have sora use the Way to the Dawn. Help please?
    Post by: SquallLionheartXIII, Mar 6, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  5. SquallLionheartXIII
    Weapon MODs

    Can anyone give me a Weapon mod Gameshark code to get Squall's Gunblade as a weapon for sora?
    Post by: SquallLionheartXIII, Mar 5, 2010 in forum: Code Vault