Recent Content by SpookyFish223

  1. SpookyFish223
    i would be disappointed if kh3 came out on wii. i really do not plan on buying a wii because it just does not seem all the fun to me. if kh3 came out for ps3, which i hope it does, i would be buying a ps3 just for kh3. the only reason i bought a ps2 was for kh...and god of war :D. but yeah, i would be very sad if it came out on ANY nintendo console for that matter. playstation always seems to have a better more "grown up" story line in their game, if you get what im saying. nintendo may baby down the game too much.
    Post by: SpookyFish223, Apr 1, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  2. SpookyFish223
    well, i have a theory of what this video could mean.

    the dude from square enix, whatever his name is, has said that this video is in the past, but it is also kind of in the future. he also said that the characters in the video are completely new characters, though they have some relation to characters we know.

    here is my theory:

    I think this battle we are seeing is in the past, but i think it will represent a battle that will take place in KH3. That would make perfect since, since that guy for enix said its in the past, but also in the future. The three soldiers may represent sora, riku, and kairi. The old man may represent Xehanort, since he is wearing his clothes. Kingdom Hearts had done this before also, because if you remember, that is what they did for Kingdom Hearts 2's secret movie. You saw riku and roxas fighting and it showed the fight you would have with xemnes later on in the game. So we may be looking at a final boss battle that will happen in KH3 or something.

    idk, something to think about. lol
    Post by: SpookyFish223, Apr 1, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX