Recent Content by Spellbinder

  1. Spellbinder
    OMG YES YES YES YES!!!!!! i FINALLY beat Xigbar!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D:D

    Okay so i stayed home from school today because i have a massive NASCAR hangover (we went to the race yesterday) and though i am too young to drink, all the G-force crap gives you a huge headache the next morning. but anyways, i stayed home and first i leveled up once, so i'm on lvl 46. Then i went to fight Xigbar... During the battle, i used Trinity limit (which didn't help much) and Knocksmash, which actually finished him off. I used the Bodn of Flame Keyblade. speaking of which: THE BOND OF FLAME WORKS EXTREMELY WELL. I'm talking about knocking off half a health bar with a good combo!!! I'm guessing Xigbar is weak against fire, because none of the other keyblades i used worked NEAR as well.

    Thank you all SO SO SOOOOO MUCH!!!!! Yall have helped TONS thanks you so much!!! *does happy dance*

    I'm s happy!!!! :D:D:D Thanks again!!

    ~Th Yeti (Xigbar is SO PWNED)

    OMG YES I JUST BEAT KH2!!!!!!!!! YESSS!!!!!!! The game was FRIKKIN AWESOME i cant believe i beat it!!!! I'm so happy!!!!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D:D I've gotta go do my happy dance and celebrate... thank you all again for your help!!! Love you all!
    ~The Yeti

    (Now i just need ot figure out how to get off the frikkin Battle Report.... I think i forgot to save my game at the Altar of Naught.... oh well)
    Post by: Spellbinder, Nov 5, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  2. Spellbinder
    Okay, i figured since there's quite a few that replied, ( :D ) i would update yall. So.... UPDATE:

    I've kept at it with Xigbar, though no victory yet, but i did get him down to like 1 1/4 health bar!!! XDDD (i'm so proud of myself lol) I looked at some gameplays on Youtube, (thanks Void!) and i pretty much got it figured out! My only problem is I keep getting caught in a string of lazers and then i cant get out before my HP goes completely. I'm gonna keep trying at it, though! I'm at lvl 43, i think i'll level up a couple more times before trying again.

    ALSO: I know a lot of yall recommended the Decisive Pumpkin keyblade, and that helped A LOT, but when i was looking at the gameplays on Youtube, I saw someone use the Oathkeeper, so i tried it out, and it worked A WHOLE LOT BETTER. Seriously, this sucker can lay some hits. Just thought yall should know.

    Thanks everyone!
    ~The Yeti (who is destined to beat Xigbar...someday.)
    Post by: Spellbinder, Oct 22, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  3. Spellbinder
    MWAHAHAHA!!! IT WAS AWESOME!!!! i LOVED the kiss....lmso! great, it's great!!! ^.^
    Post by: Spellbinder, Oct 18, 2007 in forum: Archives
  4. Spellbinder
    Wow thanks everyone!!! I REALLY appreciate all the help =D I'm fixin to go try out all your strategies right now!!

    and THANKS everyone for not just saying "look at a walkthrough" bc.. that woulda been not so helpful. and i've sworn to myself i wont use a walkthrough for #2.

    Christhor: Sorry, i didn't realize this was in the wrong section, i thought it was right.. oh well ^.^ thanks for moving it!

    I'll tell yall how it goes! see yall! ^.^

    ~The Yeti

    Okay, i went back and tried it again, and i got SO MUCH FARTHER!!! Thanks everybody SO SO MUCH! I still died, though.. but it was because HE WAS SHOOTING LIKE A BAGILLION LAZERS AT ME!!! gosh i hate when he does that. But the Decisive Pumpkin really is better!! i had been using the Circle of Life, it's usually pretty good. i think right now my problem is just Experience. I'm only level 39, so i think i'm just gonna go back to some other worlds and just kick a bunch of Heartless butt and level up a bunch =D I think that's my problem, i pretty much avoid any on-the-side battles with heartless and leave that up to Donald & Goofy, i really need to start killing more heartless and gathering more experience.

    oodles & oodles of thanks to you all!!!!! XDDD

    ~The Yeti
    Post by: Spellbinder, Oct 15, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  5. Spellbinder
    Okay so yea i'm fighting Xigbar and he's pretty tough. Can anybody share some strategies or anyhting you've found to help me beat him? Oh and if you have a suggestion on which keyblade to use, that would be helpful.

    P.S. WTFlip is with turning into Shadow Sora??? it's weird!!! and that's when i always die!!!

    Thanks a bunch for the help!!!
    ~the Yeti
    Thread by: Spellbinder, Oct 14, 2007, 20 replies, in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  6. Spellbinder
    Yea i think sometimes Sora kind of acts a little naive and it annoys me -_- but then i remembr how SMEXXI he is and it's not so annoying ^.^

    BTW on the firts page, THANKYOUTHANKYOUTHANKYOU somebody i forgot the name of but they posted a link of a David Gallagher interview!!!!!!!!

    ~the Yeti
    Post by: Spellbinder, Oct 14, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  7. Spellbinder
    LMSO!!! this is great!!!

    Is it bad that i thought of porn when i saw the title?? lmso.
    *pulls mind back out of the gutter*

    ~the Yeti
    Post by: Spellbinder, Oct 13, 2007 in forum: The Spam Zone
  8. Spellbinder
    EEEP I LOVE IT!!! :bounce: CANT WAIT FOR CHAPTeR 3!!!!!

    grammar & punctuation errors annoyed me, but it was FRIKKIN MADE OF AWESOME!!!!! Keep it up! im definitely hooked!

    ~The Yeti

    P.S. exhausted :noworries:
    Post by: Spellbinder, Oct 13, 2007 in forum: Archives
  9. Spellbinder
    HOLY FREAKING CRAP!!!!!!!! DEMYX/SAI'X SLASH FANFICTION!!!?!?!?!!???!!!!?!??!!!!!!!!!

    I LOVE IT!!!!!!!!! this i freakin awesome!!!!! i was laughing SO HARD!!!!!!!!! lmso!!!! This is GREAT!!!!!

    ~the Yeti (who is having second thoughts about her love of Demyx...)
    Post by: Spellbinder, Oct 12, 2007 in forum: Archives
  10. Spellbinder
    Thanks! yea, i know the spelling is a bit off, which is not normal for me because bad gramma FRIES MY BRAIN but i had to type this in a rush.

    As for after Kh2 or Riku & Kairi, I haven't exactly thought about that... i guessi t's before Kh1, but the next chapter i have kinda goes directly into KH2... so.. i guess im kinda skippin Kh1. which, now that i think about it, is really weird... but i dont think i could change it. I think i'll write a chapter inbetween this one and the next because it skips a lot of time and events that have happened, and i'll need to get all that on paper. (or computer, lol)

    Part 2 should be up sometime later today! if it's not up today then it might take till Sunday tops but i'm gonna get it up as soon as possible. thanks a bunch!!!!!
    Post by: Spellbinder, Oct 12, 2007 in forum: Archives
  11. Spellbinder
    Okay so this isn't my first fanfic, but it is my first Kingdom Hearts fanfic, and i'm pretty sure it's not the best. Like i said, it's very very VERY rough workings and i have a few chapters but they are all kinda choppy with some gaps in them. But i decided i'd share my first chapter and see what you think!

    Chapter1, Part1: The Journal

    "I wish you'd keep your darn hair out of your eyes!" I complained, brushing the pieces or spiky, sandy brown hair ou of Sora's face. My efforts were useless as he shook his head, causing the pieces to fall back in place. "I like it like this! Besides, it's not like a can control it, Nikki." He looked at me, frowning. "Why does it bug you so much anyway? Your hair does it, too."
    I tucked the strands of hair behind my ears and out of my face. "It's always done that." I reasoned. "And by always, you mean since you came to the island?" I looked down; i didn't like his question. "Shutup, Sora." i muttered.
    I watched the water weave around the wooden pillars of the pier, dark blue, but reflecting the moon as if it were daylight. It wasn't at all that I didn't like to talk about when i'd arrived at the island. What I didn't like was the fact that i couldn't remember a thign abou how i'd gotten there. Any childhood memories, my family, friends, name... I couldn't remember any of it. I had been found on the beach one morning, unconcious, with only the clothes i had on and a large, brown-leather journal, displaying only 3 silvery embossed words on it's cover: Don'r forget me. I had never read the journal out of fear, but whatever was in it was apparently how i'd gotten to Destiny Islands, or at least who i was before I got there.
    Sora leaned forward and looked at me, though I still stared at the ocean beneath us. "Sorry, Nick. I forgot you don't like to talk about it." He said, apology in his voice.
    "Why can't i remember?!" i nearly shouted. Sora seemed startled, as he had jumped slightly, looking as if stuck terribly between two decisions. I blushed and looked back at the ocean, avoiding his awkward gaze. "Why don't you just read the book?" He asked quietly, cautiously. I took a deep breath, hesitating my answer. True, Sora had become my best friend in the 6 months i had been on Destiny Islands, and yes, I felt an attraction to him i couldn't explain, yet still- i could not help but think sharing my inner fears of the journal were too much.
    "I'm afraid." The words feebly slipped from my lips before i'd realized it. "What if I remember, and I want to go back?" Sora only looked at me, and I looked back. Perhaps he expected me to cry; no. Sora knew me too well by now, I was not one to tear up often. After a few seconds had passed by of gazing blankly into each other's eyes, he grabbed the journal, which sat not three feet away, and sat it in his lap. He examined the silvery letters before looking back into my eyes and grabbing my hand.
    "I'll read it with you."


    I know it's kind of a cliffhanger, and hopefully i can get part 2 up soon, but i'll hve to change it up a bit. PLEASE leave comments!!! Don't be afraid to criticize if you think i need it, i need to know if i'm doing bad!! lol thanks for reading!

    ~The Yeti
    Thread by: Spellbinder, Oct 11, 2007, 3 replies, in forum: Archives
  12. Spellbinder
    HOLY CRAP THIS IS FLIPPING AWESOME!!!!!!! i was CRYING with laughter over this!!!! my mom and sis were like "WTF is wrong with you?!" "MANSEX!!!!!"

    Post by: Spellbinder, Oct 10, 2007 in forum: Archives
  13. Spellbinder
    NiiiiiiCE! i LOVE it. Especially how Axel stood up for Roxas...... *waits for next chapter*
    Post by: Spellbinder, Oct 9, 2007 in forum: Archives