Recent Content by Spankyjnco

  1. Spankyjnco
    Yeah, it's a code, that you would use to get rid of the blur effect in the backrground using PCSX2[DOUBLEPOST=1405790300][/DOUBLEPOST]The big thing with this Kingdom hearts 2 FoV issue, is that it can be disabled with Skipdraw, which mean's there is a code you can use to disable it as well. Sadly it's not until around Skipdraw 48 ish, that it actually disables the effect, so a lot of other things are turned off at that point as well.

    It just seems when the camera goes out far enough it creates a blur effect (probably something to do with the rendering power of the PS2) which looks fine in the raw native resolution.. but if you upscale it at all, any model near you with a far off backdrop will then have a ghosting/blur effect.
    Post by: Spankyjnco, Jul 19, 2014 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Spankyjnco

    Ok so Save State 4 Doesn't have the issue (It's a cutscene with it not active), and Save State 8 Does.
    Post by: Spankyjnco, Jul 17, 2014 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Spankyjnco
    Hey guys, Playing through NTSC-J version of Final mix (English patch of course) and noticed an issue with the cutscenes once you get past the first instance of the Twilight Town. It's creating a ghosting effect on people, and the background becomes blurry, kind of like an FoV effect.

    The guys over at PCSX2 forums are looking into it, but This site has years of development and such on Kingdom Hearts, so I have searched and searched and haven't found anything about this being looked into or fixed. Maybe I missed it.

    Here is a link to the thread that shows it in more detail, and I attached a couple of pictures showing what it looks like here. Any ideas guys?

    As you can see on the picture the wizard, It is not on EVERY shot, just the ones with a background kinda in the distance.

    View attachment 39325 View attachment 39326 View attachment 39327 View attachment 39328
    Post by: Spankyjnco, Jul 16, 2014 in forum: Code Vault