Recent Content by soultakerx

  1. soultakerx
    hey thanks a lot man, however i noticed the final mix specific synthesis items werent there, if you could give us those that would help a lot.

    my bad lol they were all there
    Post by: soultakerx, Aug 1, 2010 in forum: Code Vault
  2. soultakerx
    Well the reason why is because i want someone else in that slot, to be frank anyone else. Everytime i do the fght with the card guy the game freezes after the match is won because i have a fake sora in my party that won go away :(
    Post by: soultakerx, Jun 26, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  3. soultakerx
    Could someone plz give me the code to have mickey in chacter slot 4, i've tried converting it from codebreaker to action replay but it says "INPUT ERROR: command cannot be converted to MAX. Code # 1" in anyone can plz it would be much appreciated. Btw has anyone ever had a fake sora in slot 4? How do you get rid of it?
    Post by: soultakerx, Jun 25, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  4. soultakerx
    I do not know if this was addressed b4 but why is it that when i put in the have all drive forms code, i cant switch the struggle sword with anything. I used ARMAX
    Post by: soultakerx, Jun 7, 2008 in forum: Code Vault