So, affter going through this picture a few times, here's my verdict. There's a high chance it IS real. Why? Well, to my knowledge, there's no scene in any KH game out today that has a shot of yensid at that angle. Secondly, although some have called it fake because of the shadows, if you look at yensid, he doesn't have a shadow either. Could just be an early SC that didn't include Shadows, or maybe the 3ds isn't capable of casting shadows?
SO, the 2 conclusions I can come to are:
1: Someone got the model for Yensids house, rendered it at that angle, and Photoshopped all the characters in/placed the models there, but forgot shadows, then added katakana subs.
2: It's a legitimate leaked screenshot from the game.
Edit: Then again, that book was only there when Sora had just entered yensids castle. Correct me if I'm wrong in that respect, but if the book is only there during KH2, then this could, IN FACT, be fake.
Well, it's never worked for me, and making Pnaches for me takes about 30 seconds. Just copy the code, open my pnach maker, open the KHIIFM pnach, paste, save, play. As for MAKING codes, I'm ignorant to whatever method is used for that, so if Emuhaste works for you in that dept., then go right ahead.
Emuhaste always has problems. Just use a pnach file. It loads up every time you turn on the game, and it's just the click of the mouse to make it so it doesn't load up right when the game starts. Tis easier and faster, and even more compatible.
The thing with ME is that I would buy BBS and a psp with money I get for Christmas this year, but I want a PS3 with BF3 too. I can only choose one though. Why? Because the cheapest I'll be able to get a PSP with BBS is about 80-110 USD, while a PS3 with BF3 would cost me anywhere between 200-300 USD. If I wait it out a while, I could probably get both in April because of the Tax returns, but that's only if I don't spend my money on anything.
Wait, just had a great idea. All i'm asking for christmas this year is a PSP and BBS, then with my Birthday and christmas money, I'll get a PS3 :D
Then again, I DO want a External 1TB HDD for my laptop and a pillow for christmas too. Life can be hard.
SO, to the OP, after hearing my story, what do you think you should do?
So I know there's an english patch for KHII:FM+, and also for KHBBSFM, but as far as I can tell, there's no english patch for the original KHFM. Anyone know if one exists that I might have missed? I've searched for it for about an hour yesterday going through about 10-15 search pages on google.
And yes, I've also searched this forum.
(Note: Sorry if this is in the wrong section, I'm surmising this is the best place to post this)
From an illegal POV, if you really wanted to get the most out of your PSP, Jailbreak it, then get download and play BBS and any other games you'd be interested in. From a legal point, I'd wait until you can get BBS and a used PSP for about 50$. It'd only be worth it then.
I've thought the same exact thing. I'm thinking I should buy a PSP so I can play BBS at full fps (i can play the emulated version, but it's slow and mostly unresponsive), but if I get a psp, I can't get another console for awhile, so getting a 3ds for KH3D would be a problem. And then there's the problem if KHIII comes out for PS3, which I would rather get then a psp for a prequel. Overall, I'd wait to get PSP just for BBS until you know what system the next few KH games are going to be on. Seeing as KH3D is actually in the main timelie and takes place right after KHII, I would rather get a 3DS instead of a PSP. That's just me though. I'm waiting to hear what system KHIII will be coming out on before i do anything though.
I'm using the one supplied in the video here. I tried again an got most of them working, but some still don't work. The one I've seen that's the worst is the Neoshadow model. Almost every other animation causes an exception to occur errors. But I'm probably never going to use that model for anything, so it doesn't really matter. i got Sora wrking, so i'm good.
I know i'm technically bumping this, but I need help :P
How do i open models with this? It says drag .mdlx files to window, but when I do, nothing happens. Some models show up, others crash it, and some don't do anything. all of the ones to show up so far though have been Heartless. I want Sora's model though.whenever I try to drag his model to the window, nothing happens.