Recent Content by sorasheartlessshadow

  1. sorasheartlessshadow
    I agree that they should develop on Lea/Isa's relationship. I mean, is it it just me that wants to know how they went from being kids with very much intact hearts in radiant garden to being full blown adult nobodies? I'm pretty sure they haven't explained that at all... Unless, of course, I've completely missed it and it was a whole different storyline because let's be honest, as great as KH is (I've been a fan ever since it came out, albeit I was only interested in the Winnie the Pooh storyline :D), the storyline is as confusing as hell and sometimes it's hard to keep up with the multiple stories going on. And also, I think they should kill Aerith off as a close to the story of Cloud vs. Sephiroth. I don't know why, but I never really liked Aerith, too nice for me to stomach I guess... I really hope they don't kill Riku off, if anything they should maybe kill Terra or one of the Disney gang off (would that be too grim though?...) Anyway, as mentioned in previous posts the ultimate plot twist would be Yen Sid turning out to be the ultimate villain. I'd be like ' Woah... Didn't see that one coming.' I think I've only got one request though... Don't include Star Wars Square Enix! Seriously.Go crazy with Batman or Spiderman or whatever just no R2D2's or Jabba the Hut's. The movies were bad enough, without it taking over my favourite game series as well :cool:
    Post by: sorasheartlessshadow, Oct 21, 2013 in forum: General & Upcoming Kingdom Hearts
  2. sorasheartlessshadow
    Living in the shadows...
    Status Update by sorasheartlessshadow, Oct 21, 2013