The game has: Neverland TT TWTNW WL BC OC DI HT Agrabah
... im so bored...anyone got a play as cloud code for dirge of cerberus U.S.A?
Hey i just got this game and can i have a play as cloud code?
:guns::guns2::guns3: Anyone got a code to make ur keyblade Glow like when ur fighting roxas and u take his keyblades?
Hey sup not much
Hey checkout my KH2FM+ video i made like a couple months ago lol or [youtube][/youtube]
wtf is this ahwell i guess i wanna be Zexion or Leon wait do i have to right a Fu**ing story?
Yea i have it its pretty good but cod4 is better :ff10sora: Icon_movingthem5
Ok thanks lol
Huh? i dont understand i have a video converter but it sucks.
i really want some naruto clips if anyone has any suggestions please tell me!
Thanks!!!! wait how do i make the videos be able to play?
i wanna know if anyone has these codes and if someone does please tell me alright does anyone have these codes: have a glowing keyblade. play as Hooded Roxas. and last play as Terra i hope someone has them lol because i want them really bad!
here you go 24D09668 1634C71C 24909468 1634C3DC