Aqua & Ven...Think that might be the names of the other Soldiers with him in the secret ending?????????? I think it might be. Anyway, Yeah...Totally owned. And just think, He got owned so bad in the secret ending with that old man. That old guy MUST be tough.
Hey! ^_^ Welcome, I joined yesterday so it's all good.
Yeah, do what Rikus-aura said. On google or photobucket. ^_^ Or request one. The one I have now is one i made quickly. XD, I kinda cheated on making it. But that's my secret.
I do alot of videos and stuff...Dun get much comments on them though so, I'll link you to the video section of my YouTube account so you can watch ALL my videos. ^_^ Enjoy
Hey all!
I've tried joining in the past but it didn't seem to work. So, Anyway. I bet you've seen alot of members with the name Sora, huh? Heh. Anyway, Hope I get a nice, warm welcome. I look forward to speaking to you all in the near future.
EDIT: Oh, almost forgot. I'm a little on the insane side. Hope I'm not alone here. XD