Recent Content by Sora The Keyblade Master

  1. Sora The Keyblade Master
    Thats not true.... Kingdom Hearts: Final Mix is at "Toys n' Joys" in Honolulu,Hawaii. Go to the website and see... you can also but it from the shop online...
    Post by: Sora The Keyblade Master, Oct 27, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts Help
  2. Sora The Keyblade Master
    I recently made a video on Organization XIII...... I think its awsome.

    Heres the link;

    please leave comments..
    Thread by: Sora The Keyblade Master, Oct 26, 2006, 0 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  3. Sora The Keyblade Master
    Heheheheh.... your answers amuse me, In the KH2 secert ending there are three people in armour: Two boys and one girl. Obviously they are Keyblade Masters, and one of them we know to be Xehenort. My hypothesis is that Sora, is the desendart of the middle man in armour, Riku is the desendant of Xehenort, and Kairi is the desendant of the women in armour, that is why she was able to weild the Keyblade....
    Post by: Sora The Keyblade Master, Oct 22, 2006 in forum: Kingdom Hearts HD II.5 ReMIX
  4. Sora The Keyblade Master
    I recenly made a video on Kingdom Hearts 2, heres the link... I think its pretty good....
    Thread by: Sora The Keyblade Master, Oct 22, 2006, 2 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  5. Sora The Keyblade Master
    Thank you..... I'm glad to be here.

    Grr..... every time I try to get an Avatar or sig. It says "Not a valid image file" someone please help me....
    Post by: Sora The Keyblade Master, Oct 21, 2006 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  6. Sora The Keyblade Master
    My name is apparent, I have nothing else to say.... I'm not the talkative type, I just download many videos from the site.............. I do have one question though: how can and get an icon.... and a signature....?
    Thread by: Sora The Keyblade Master, Oct 21, 2006, 4 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures