Recent Content by Sora Master2.0

  1. Sora Master2.0
    I'm sounding noobish, but here goes. How would I be able to use "Edge of Ultima"? I tried changing Edge of Ultima with Hidden Dragon and it didn't work. Did I mess up the order?
    Post by: Sora Master2.0, Jan 8, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Sora Master2.0
    Actually, they worked. Can you beleive it? It freezes sometimes with the dual wield roxas codes, but I got it working. Thankx
    Post by: Sora Master2.0, Jan 6, 2008 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Sora Master2.0
    Umm, I'm new with a question. Do these codes work for Gameshark v1.2? I tried the ual Wield Roxas, and it didn't work.
    EDIT:Well I started a new game and it worked, but then it froze when I reached the mansion. Any suggestions?
    Post by: Sora Master2.0, Jan 5, 2008 in forum: Code Vault