Kissy-Sensei as Aqua - Great voice as usual. I kind of felt the line where Aqua is telling Ven to go back to his room to show a little hint of urgency. Not too much, though. Overall, good job.
CGNET as Ventus - There was some instances where your accent popped up, and some of your lines peaked. "Who are you?" sounded a little too defensive. And the grunt that followed after (the "hah" when Ven got back into place) Ven swinged his Keyblade felt unneeded. But, overall, not bad.
Ryusuke as Master Eraqus - I absolutely hated listening to myself here. When I started recording this, I had so much fatigue that the energy I intended to do didn't follow through. I really, really wish I had the time to redo this scene. Also, that "Hm!" Eraqus had was supposed to be for when Eraqus pressed against his Keyblade. Heh, ah, well. I'll try to do better the next time.
Great_bloo as Vanitas -
The Hallstar as Master Xehanort - Interesting take. I guess the only thing I can critique against is your mic quality, but you did a great job.
Mixing - There are some instances that some scenes could have used SFX. Like the scene where Terra and Aqua fight, the swing of her Keyblade towards Terra's face could have used SFX to emphasize how close it got to hitting him. Also, a good bit of Terra and Aqua's battle cries were a bit off sync to what they're doing.
True that. Though it does say "Fandub" in the Youtube link. Though...>_>; yeah. OK, so it is a bit misleading. Mike, you should have put fandub somewhere. ^^;
This is Ryusuke. Alright, I can answer that question. It's because I chose a different gameplay vid that had Limit Form Sora there. Which is why...yeah. ^^;