Recent Content by Sonic-Hedgehog

  1. Sonic-Hedgehog
    hey guys,this time I've got a request!
    is there a code to take to the max the stats like strength,defense and magic?I'm looking for it but man,I can't find it!!=S
    Post by: Sonic-Hedgehog, May 8, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  2. Sonic-Hedgehog
    yeah,it's processing...thanks ;)
    oh,since it's gone on the other page,I put this on again,just to not let it go
    EDIT:it works!thank you!;)
    Post by: Sonic-Hedgehog, May 6, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  3. Sonic-Hedgehog
    of course I did it but it doesn't work...I thought that maybe I've got a different version of the emulator .-.
    .exe's name is pcsx2-r1736 and,now that I think about it,it's not in the list .-.
    Post by: Sonic-Hedgehog, May 6, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  4. Sonic-Hedgehog
    okay,I'll try it,but I doubt it'll work...I think that this crash problem has something to do with some missing part or plug-in of the emulator...when I put modifier code like keyblade modifier,continuos red messages appear in the other window and then,after a few seconds,it crashes... .-.

    EDIT: ok,I'm beginning to be mad -______-''
    EVERY emuhaste I download says,when I click snap process,"emulator is not detected" even when I open the emulator after opening emuhaste..... my god -.-''
    oh,I tryed to convert with maxconvert the PAL code of max strength in a NTSC code but I didn't...can someone find it?this is all I need,then I'll try to do everything with my will,with no more torments...XD
    Post by: Sonic-Hedgehog, May 6, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  5. Sonic-Hedgehog
    pcsx2 says:"code conversion is probably wrong" and "error adding cheats"...but thanks anyway ;)

    I apply the codes using "add RAW" in the "misc--->patch browser" menu...
    Post by: Sonic-Hedgehog, May 4, 2011 in forum: Code Vault
  6. Sonic-Hedgehog
    Hi everybody,I'm a new boy here,so nice to meet you!I've got a question:is there anybody who knows why everytime I put a character modifier code,or a code to obtain all the keyblades,or a code for all abilyties my pcsx 0.9.6 freezes when i click on execute??even when I try to use the code for the DW Sora,or DWò.ò
    Post by: Sonic-Hedgehog, May 3, 2011 in forum: Code Vault