Recent Content by son1c

  1. son1c
    I usually work on a ton of Kingdom Hearts projects including KH AMV's, a Kingdom Hearts 2 Walkthrough, and Kingdom Hearts Abridged And for some reason, I lose quality when I download clips from kh-vids.

    I don't know why this is because I see people, like pwilliard, who use kh-vids videos and has GREAT quality. (And I mean the resolution of the video itself.) I still don't understand why I'm losing so much quality, especially on the KH1 videos, though it was the first game therefore had the lowest definition.

    So my question is, how can i still use's videos but raise the overall quality of them without having to buy movie makers such as Avid or Vegas that could possibly do that for me?

    If there is no solution for this, then an alternate solution to my problem could be if someone answered my question how can I rip the cutscenes off of my kingdom hearts 1 & 2 discs?
    Thread by: son1c, May 28, 2010, 4 replies, in forum: Production Studio
  2. son1c
  3. son1c
    I know this post is a bit old by a few months but i really hope you're still doing this.
    my voice is pretty deep, and I'd like to get away from my usual comedic Kingdom Hearts Abridged acting to do some serious dubbing so could I audition for Ansem the Wise? my voice is naturally deep.

    That, or I'd really like to play Master Xehanort but apparently you have someone for that. Oh well. I'll audition for Ansem then lol
    Post by: son1c, May 28, 2010 in forum: Project Casting