Recent Content by somewhat altered

  1. somewhat altered

    Thanks! Sorry, no sheet music for these yet.. I'm working on Passion right now, but I've only just started.
    Post by: somewhat altered, Jun 21, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  2. somewhat altered

    Thanks! :D It's funny what a person can accomplish with boredom and coffee at 2 AM.

    Some of my original work can be found here: I'll warn you, a good portion isn't downloadable for copyright purposes (I'm trying to be careful with original work), but a handful of the songs are -- and all of them are streamed.

    I've seen that before.. totally illegit. Someone probably got bored in Photoshop one day. xD
    Post by: somewhat altered, Jun 17, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  3. somewhat altered
    Not anymore, no. You used to be able to stream the songs on, but they've recently reformatted their site to where you have to download the music.

    Are you having trouble downloading the songs? Or do you just want to listen to them streamed?
    Post by: somewhat altered, Jun 15, 2007 in forum: Kingdom Hearts News & Updates
  4. somewhat altered



    Agreed. :F
    Post by: somewhat altered, Jun 14, 2007 in forum: Introductions & Departures
  5. somewhat altered


    Hey people!

    My name's Cameron.

    I'm new to KH-Vids, so I thought I'd introduce myself. I've used the site many a time for video downloads but have never registered (because it required way too much effort, lol :()

    A little info:
    Xaldin mentioned me on in the most recent update ( I wrote a bunch of a string arrangements from Kingdom Hearts I/II. I'm a pianist/harpist, but also do a lot of composing and arranging. I want to soundtrack either video games or film for a career, so.. trying to practice as best I can. xD

    I'm obsessed with Tomb Raider, Death Note, Harry Potter, and Shadow of the Colossus (and KH, of course).

    Annd.. that's it. Hi. :o
    Thread by: somewhat altered, Jun 14, 2007, 4 replies, in forum: Introductions & Departures